This repository contains implementations of convolution operations using OpenMPI to demonstrate the efficiency of parallel computing. The code is organized into several C programs that perform channel-wise and kernel-wise convolutions, optimized with BLAS for enhanced performance.
Channel-wise Convolution: Distributes image channels across MPI nodes.
Kernel-wise Convolution: Distributes convolution kernels across MPI nodes.
Performance Comparison: Python scripts to compare execution times and efficiency.
MPI (Message Passing Interface)
BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)
To run the programs, clone this repository and use the provided shell scripts:
git clone
cd openMPIConv
You can use WindowConvolution to generate results for Basic Window Convolution Version cd WindowConvolution python3
You can use Im2ColBLASConvolution to generate results for BLAS optimized Version
cd WindowConvolution
In each file you can change pipe script to use for different channel-kernel-processes options also you can change kernel and input sizes as well.
Default input size 64x64xC and kernel size Nx3x3xC, stride 1, padding 0 assumed for Densest Layer of Resnet50
Blas Optimized Version of MPI vs Python(PyTorch) Metrics
Window Convolution Version of MPI vs Python(PyTorch) Metrics
Window Convolution Version of MPI vs Python(PyTorch) Metrics Densest Layer
Blas Optimized Version of MPI vs Python(PyTorch) Metrics Densest Layer
Blas Optimized Version of MPI vs Python(PyTorch) Metrics Densest Layer Speedup
Window Convolution Version of MPI vs Python(PyTorch) Metrics Densest Layer Speedup
Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository and submit pull requests with your enhancements.