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William Kennedy edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 22 revisions

Required Software and Installation Instructions


The instructions for installing all the tooling and dependencies can be found in the makefile. However, before reading the makefile please make sure the following is installed and working.


The minimum supported version of Go is 1.22. To upgrade your installation of Go, see the documentation.


This project uses Docker and it's required to run this software on your local machine. Information on installing Docker can be found here.

Your settings should provide Docker with four (4) CPUs at the very least.

To modify the number of CPUs, use the docker desktop management interface, select Preferences, then Resources, and Advanced as shown here. Select the number of CPUs, and click Apply & Restart to restart the docker service.

On Windows with the WSL2 backend modifications of the number of CPUs and other runtime configuration is managed via the .wslconfig file. To change the number of CPUs, add the following entry, and restart the service.


On Linux, the default scheduler does not have any constraints. To set limits and other constraints, see the documentation.