Collect and push CDRs from FreeSWITCH Sqlite to PostgreSQL.
Run dev:
MIX_ENV=dev iex -S mix
Check outdated deps:
mix hex.outdated
MIX_ENV=dev mix
Compile and release:
MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
# MIX_ENV=prod mix release.init
MIX_ENV=prod mix release --verbose
Create directory for logs:
mkdir /var/log/freeswitch_realtime
Add host in your /etc/hosts
eg: influxdb-host
Firstly, edit version in mix.exs
Then compile:
MIX_ENV=prod mix compile
Finally, build the release:
MIX_ENV=prod mix release
Create releases directory & give permissions:
mkdir releases
chmod 0777 releases
Create the new docker image and then create the releases:
docker build --tag=build-elixir-jessie -f docker/ .
docker run -e "MIX_ENV=prod" -v $PWD/releases:/app/releases build-elixir-jessie mix release --verbose --env=prod
You will need to install inotify-tools to use mix
will automatically run your Elixir project's tests each
time you save a file (
You will need inotify-tools installed.
We use Credo as colinter
mix credo
Add excdr_pusher to systemd
on Debian 8.x:
cp excdr_pusher.service /lib/systemd/system/excdr-pusher.service
systemctl enable excdr-pusher.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart excdr-pusher.service
List of improvements and tasks,
- Repo.insert_all make genserver crash on error, so we need to find a way to capture error, and uncommit the sqlite CDRs that were fetched, this will ensure that on error we can do something, maybe flag the CDRs as errors for future checks
- use conform to support config file
- add inch_ex
- add credo -