Chit Chat is an app where users can message other logged-in users in real-time. The primary focus of this app is to block toxic messages using a filter.
- User Authentication: Sign up and login to access the chat.
- Real-time Chat: Select a user to chat with and send messages in real time, thanks to Firebase.
- User Status: Users are displayed in green when online and red when offline. New users are updated in real time.
- Private Route: Main chat is set up with a private route, redirecting unauthenticated users to the login page.
- Profile Customization: Update your profile image and view it on your profile page.
- Image Upload: Share images in the chat.
- New Message Alert: Get alerted for new messages, even from offline users.
- Toxicity Filter: Tensorflow.js is used to identify and block toxic messages, replacing them with a warning and specifying the type of toxic message and its probability.
- Context Awareness: The toxicity filter doesn't just check for specific words but considers their context to avoid false positives.
- Responsiveness: The app is designed to work seamlessly on all screen types, including browsers, tablets, and phones.
This application is built with the following technologies:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Before you begin, ensure you have installed:
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install packages
npm install
- Start the application
npm start
In the future, I am planning to:
- Revamp the design to enhance the user experience
- Integrate ChatGPT's API to improve the chat functionality