This repository is an object-oriented implementation of a neural network using only python
, without taking advantage of any mathematical library even numpy
. You may ask when there are lots of useful and effecient libraries out there to do complex operations like matrix multiplication very fast, why someone might need to implement all of them from scratch? The answer is that as long as you do not know how different operations are computed exactly, you cannot think about weaknesses in existing approaches or inventing a new baseline.
Before strating with setup process, let's take a look at a brief explanation about concepts of a neural network. If you are familiar with the topics, you can simply skip to Execution Section. You can find more about neural networks at this tutorial (
- In a simple image classification problem, we have more than one categories and we want the network to compute the probability of each input image being in each category. Then we select a category for each image that the network reports the highest probability for. Each selection has a cost. If the network selects the correct category, this cost will be small.
- In the image above, we have a 2-layer neural network (one hidden layer of 4 neurons and one output layer with 2 neurons), and three inputs. You may or may not count input layer as one of the network layers.
- Final output of the network is a linear or non-linear combination of all neuron outputs. Firing rate of the neuron is determining whether its output can take apart in the final output or not. We model the firing rate of the neuron with an activation function. Commonly used activation functions are Sigmoid, Tanh, and ReLU non-linearities. In images below from left, you can see how sigmoid and tanh non-linearities squash real numbers to different ranges, respectively.
- A neural network should be trained to find the best parameters that help the model select correct answers and minimize the cost (loss) on our data. These parameters are weights and biases of the neural network and the cost is computed by a loss function.
- You can train or update parameters of your neural network in different ways. One of them is Batch Gradient Descent (GD) and the other is Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). In GD, you need to calculate the gradient of the loss function over all samples in your training data. In contrast, you only need the gradient of the loss function for one sample in SGD. As you can imagine, GD takes longer to complete, but its path to minima is less noisier than that of SGD.
- A regularization term can control overfitting of your neural network. Different types of that is L2 regularization, dropout, and input noise.
Here, neurons, leyers, and our network are different objects. In their corresponding python classes, their unique functions are implemented and they work together in a heirarchical manner.
You can specify number of layers and neurons in each of them for your customized network as arguments of the code. For example, [784, 100, 10]
represents a 2-layer network with 784
inputs, 100
neurons in its first
layer, and 10
neurons in its second
or last layer.
In each layer, you can choose an activation function and a regularizer. Differnt choices of activation function in this implementation are sigmoid
and linear
. Also, dropout
and L2 norm
are implemented as differnt choices of regularizers that you can use at any layer you want. For example, ['sigmoid','linear']
and ['dropOut','nothing']
means first layer has sigmoid
activation function and dropout
regularizer, but second layer has neither activation function nor regularizer.
At last, you can decide the amount of learning rate and type of the gradient descent to update parameters of your network by choosing GD
or SGD
Training data is images of classes A to J
of noMNIST
training dataset which are in folder ROOT/data/
by default.
Initial weights of a 2-layer neural network are in ROOT/weights/
. For a differnt size of a network you can change
Because outputs of a multi-class classification network are probabilities, the activation function for the output layer will be softmax and cross-entropy loss (also known as negative log likelihood) is used as loss function.
Note: There is not a seperate test data to evaluate the model and it only reports training accuracy.
To do training a neural network with 2 layers with the setting described above for 2 epochs, run:
python --num_epochs 2 --optimizer GD --layers 784,100,10 --active_funcs linear,sigmoid --regularizers dropOut,nothing --lr 0.7
Sample execution output: