☣️This repo contains random python scripts which are given as a task from our collage☣️
- positive_negative_no.py- Program to find wether a given number is positive or negative.
- odd_even.py- Program to find wether a given number is odd or even using if el statement.
- greater_among_3.py- Program to find the greater number among three numbers using if el.
- University_grade.py- Program to display MAKAUT University grade based on the input marks using if el.
- factorial.py- Program to calculate and display the factorial of a given number using while loop.
- sum_of_digits.py- Program to calculate and display the sum of the digits of a given number using while loop.
- fibonacci_series.py- Program to calculate and print the fibonacci series upto a given term using while loop
- fibonacci_series2.py- Program to calculate and print the fibonacci series upto a given term using for loop
- prime_or_not.py- Program to calculate and print wether a number is prime or not using for loop
- odd_even_serries.py- Program to calculate and print all the odd or even numbers in series based on user's choise using for loop
- gcd_two_no.py- Program to calculate and print the greatest common divisor of two numbers using for loop
- pattern1.py- Program to print the following pattern based on the number of rows as instucted by the user using for loop
- pattern2.py- Program to print the following pattern based on the number of rows as instucted by the user using for loop
- armstrong.py- Program to find wether a given number is an armstrong number or not using while loop.
- palindrome_string.py- Program to find wether a given string is an palindrome or not using if el and split operation (to reverse a string)
- word_count.py- Program to find the number of words in a string using while loop.
- vowels_count.py- Program to find the number of vowels is a given string using for loop and if statement
This lists gets updated 🔃 weekly