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ari edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 7 revisions

This wiki is a space for planning functionality and building documentation.

How to contribute to this project

Use it

Yes, just install the software and see how it works. Think about how it might work better and what would improve how it works for you.

Have an idea

Document your idea in these pages. Where possible include pictures, screenshots and other information to flesh out the idea.

Write code

Fork the project here on github and write an enhancement to the project.

Report bugs

Use the bug tracker (issues at the top of the page) and report problems in as much detail as you can.

Help with the documentation

This is always an area which is falling behind and much help is appreciated here.

Clean up the html/css

Even if you don’t know Ruby coding, perhaps you are able to fork the project and help with the cleanup of html. We want to eliminate Prototype, use html tables only when appropriate and make the css clear and readable.