A Discord bot made with Discord.js.
View your profile or the mentionned user's profile.
Toggle ephemeral mode. This mode makes all your interactions with the bot hidden from other users.
Set the color of your profile to a specific HEX code.
experienceToNextLevel = (currentLevel * nextLevel) * 50
"chattingExpMultiplier": 1.00,
"chattingExpDelayInSeconds": 60,
"chattingExpMinGain": 120,
"chattingExpMaxGain": 300
Create src/config/config.json
"token": "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN",
"clientId": "YOUR_BOT_CLIENT_ID",
"guildId": "YOUR_BOT_GUILD_ID"
Deployed with Docker Compose:
Check Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml.
Here are the containers:
- The bot
- A local MongoDB database on port 27017
- mongo-express (web interface for MongoDB) on port 8081
$ sudo docker compose up
$ docker exec -it mongo bash
$ cd data/db
$ mongoexport --db bloometti --port 27017 --collection users --out=users.json
$ mongoimport --db bloometti --port 27017 --collection users --file users.json
*users.json will be located in data/mongo
on the host system
- Discord.JS (v14.15.2)
- Canvas (v2.11.2) (Image Manipulation)
- MongoDB (v6.6.2)