An application to play chess against a friend or the JChess AI - implemented with a min-max algorithm with alpha-beta pruning and quiescence searching - rated at over 1900 ELO. There is also an opening move database built from over 240,000 Grand Master games. You can also load positions from FEN or PGN and test the strength of the Engine!
Manual for JChess
Select game mode
Menu->Options->Setup Game
Select White Player Type
Select Black Player Type
Select Search Depth (recommended 4)
Toggle Opening Move Database
Use Book Moves
Menu->Options->New Game
Load a game from PGN
Menu->File->Load PGN File
Select <file>.pgn
Load a FEN position
Menu->File->Load from FEN
Enter FEN (ex. "BK6/6P1/3N3p/1p2Pp2/4p1r1/4R2P/p1P5/1k2n3 b")
Save the PGN file of a game
Menu->File->Save PGN File
Select location
Flip the board
Menu->Preferences->Flip Board
Show/Disable Legal Moves
Menu->Preferences->Highlight Legal Moves
Change Piece Set
Menu->Preferences->Choose Piece Set
Change Board Colors
Menu->Preferences->Choose Board Colors
The opening move database (Opening Book) contains over 2000 openings, persisted as a tree data structure - each move coresponding to a node. Each node has a weight coresponding to the amount of times the opening has been played in Master Games, indicating the lines strength. The AI selects a line from a randomizing function which depends on the players moves, the weight, and the depth (strength) setting. The opening book structure is persisted in ./resources/structures/opening_book.txt
Write new openings to a .cvs file in the following format
A04 Reti: King's Indian Attack
1.Nf3 g6 2.g3 Bg7 3.Bg2 e5 4.O-O Nc6 5.e4 d6 6.d3 Nge7 7.c3 O-O 8.Nbd2 h6 9.b4 1/2
Then run with the file as an argument
- Arian Omidi -
- Thanks to for the initial chess library and for the Java Swing GUI tutorial
- Inspiration for Board and Piece design from