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Security: aricma/developer-dashboard



Client <> Server Communication

⚠️ We do as of right now do not communicate via https.

Authentication / User Identification

We use JsonWebToken to identify users that have authenticated with email and password.

The jwts are generated with the HS256 algorithm.

⚠️ the HS algorithms are not secure, they can be brute forced

Storing Passwords

We hash the given plain text emails and passwords of each user with the md5 algorithm and store the hash. A user logging in has to match the email and password in hashed form.

⚠️ md5 is not a secure hashing algorithm, they can be brute forced

Storing JWTs (client side)

We do not store the JWT yet.

Authentication Token Lifetime

The authentication cookie life has two levels. The cookie itself has a lifetime and is rejected after that lifetime. This prevents old JWTs from accessing data that they are not supposed to attacks.

⚠️ The JWT has currently no life time.

The other level is the cookie life time in the browser. Since the auth token is set as a Http-Only Secure cookie. Users and attackers are not be able to access them via the browser. The cookie has a life time set to 3 hours and any user logged out for more then 3 hours will loose the cookie and has to log in again. Every request with a valid cookie will refresh the cookies value and gives the user another 3 hours until the cookie expires in the browser.


⚠️ We have no way to change the account password via the web-interface.

There aren’t any published security advisories