Demo of an AWS Lambda function that:
- receives an S3 event notification on object created event
- send the created object to Amazon Rekognition for label detection
- retrieves the results from Amazon Rekognition and publish them in an SNS topic
- Docker (to perform local testing with SAM CLI)
- npm
- Rekognition service regional availability (as of January 2024)
- Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
- Europe (London)
- Europe (Ireland)
- Asia Pacific (Seoul)
- Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
- Israel (Tel Aviv)
- Canada (Central)
- Asia Pacific (Singapore)
- Asia Pacific (Sydney)
- Europe (Frankfurt)
- US East (N. Virginia)
- US East (Ohio)
- US West (N. California)
- US West (Oregon)
All provided scripts were tested under Amazon Linux 2.
You'll need to make them executable.
chmod 755 *.sh
Run the script:
The aws profile used to run the test command must have permission to access the provided parameters:
- BUCKET_NAME (must exists)
- IMAGE_KEY (image file, must exists )
- SNS_TOPIC_ARN (make sure to have an email subscription to the given topic)
Once the execution is done, go to the email address with a subscription to SNS_TOPIC_ARN, and assert receiving the rekognition process results.
Run the script:
This script will create:
- An S3 bucket
- A prefix (folder) "images/" where images are to be uploaded
- A Lambda function that can process an S3 event notification and send data to Rekognition
- An S3 event notification on objects created with the previous Lambda as target
- An SNS topic, with an subscription on endpoint (go to public inbox to validate the subscription)
- Upload an image file inside the folder (prefix) images/ from the S3 bucket. There are some sample images files in project images folder.
- Check the function logs on CloudWatch Logs to verify it has been called
- Check you received a result
- Message sent in an SQS queue (deployed with demo CloudFormation template)
- Email (at or any other email that you would have subscribed beforehand to the SNS topic)
- Go to CloudWatch
- On the left menu expand X-Ray Traces, and click on Trace Map
- Observe the application architecture
Run the script: