Lyn Bot is currently written purely in python with the possibility of using another language in the near future. The bot was created using the library to interact with the Discord API
The following commands are available at the moment. Most links and info are taken from Serenes Forest and the Wikia:
Sends a message to the user with the available commands.
A greeting message is displayed along with an image.
Delete x amount of previous messages, if no amount is provided the bot deletes 100 messages.
Shares the invitation link for the bot
Shares a link to Serenes Forest with the given search query, if no query is provided it returns a link to the main SF page.
Shares a link to the Serenes Forest Cipher page for the given character, if no name is provided it returns a link to the main Serenes Forest Cipher page.
Shares an image to the given Cipher card, if no code is provided it returns an example.
Writes info of the color given Cipher, if no color is provided it lists the current available colors.
Writes the info of the given booster number, if no number is provided it lists the released boosters.
Writes the info of the given deck number, if no number is provided it lists the released decks.
Writes the info of the given game number, if no number is provided it lists the released games.
Really makes Delthea think
Shares an image of the fattest neko in Neko Atsume
Write the message L I K E T H I S
Totally Nino your friends
You can invite the bot to your server using the following link
Note: the bot is often offline due to still being in development, feel free to run it for yourself.
- Format messages to distinguish them from other users.
- Together with links, grab and send some small descriptive informartion for colors, boosters and decks.
- Add more commands to search and display information for mainlline Fire Emblem games/characters, not only Cipher.