Configurable power profiles for power-profiles-daemon
Many tools exist for configuring laptops based on being plugged in to AC or running on battery, however, there isn't any tool that lets you configure settings based on the power plan.
That's why I wrote this, which is a companion to power-profiles-daemon (the closest thing to a standard for setting power plans).
sudo make install
sudo make uninstall
The configuration file is located at /etc/power-profiles-cfg/profiles.ron
Initially, the program will query power-profiles-daemon
for the list of available profiles and populates the file accordingly.
"power-saver": (
driver: "platform_profile",
turbo: false,
governor: "conservative",
"balanced": (
driver: "platform_profile",
turbo: false,
governor: "ondemand",
"performance": (
driver: "platform_profile",
turbo: true,
governor: "performance",
Currently, you're only able to set turbo boost and change the governor per profile.
You can get a list of available governors by running cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors
Any governor from that list can be set.
I plan to add more in the future (CPU frequency, threshold, etc).
I may extend this in the future to also allow differing profiles for AC/battery power (i.e balanced
for AC and battery could be different).
A GUI companion is on my to do list, but I will be focusing on getting the initial features implemented for the daemon.