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GlobeScanner API documentation

VISHESHA SADU edited this page Apr 21, 2022 · 36 revisions

Welcome to the GlobeScanner wiki!

Backend API Documentation:


Users can register as a tourist or guide to the application with their username, email, password and role(Tourist/Guide).

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Error responses for sign up:

Condition: password length is not in between 6 to 20 characters.

   "error": "incorrect parameters, password should be between 6 to 20 chars"

Condition: The email input by the user is already registered.

    "error": "this Email is already taken by other user"

Condition: Error occurred while hashing the password or other internal errors.

    "error": "interval server error"


Users have to login with their email,password and role(Tourist/Guide) to the application.

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Error responses for login:

Condition: Error in input parameters (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "incorrect input parameters"


Condition: No user found with given login credentials

    "error": "user not found or role does not match"


Condition: Error occurred while hashing the password or other internal errors.

    "error": "wrong password"

Check user profile

Tourists and guides will both have access to see their account profile.

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Output For Guide profile

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Output for Tourist profile

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Error responses for checking user profile:

Condition: Error in authorization token (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "Unauthorized"


Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Internal server error."


Edit Tourist Profile

Tourists have access to edit details on their account profile.

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Error responses for editing tourist profile:

Condition: Error in authorization token (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "Unauthorized"


Condition: If input request does not satisfy data constraints

    "error": "invalid input"


Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Internal server error."


Edit Guide Profile

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Error responses for editing guide profile:

Condition: Error in authorization token (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "Unauthorized"


Condition: If input request does not satisfy data constraints

    "error": "invalid input"


Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Internal server error."


Search places:

Tourists and Tour guides can look up for the places to see in an area.

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Error responses for search places:

Condition: Error in authorization token (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "Unauthorized"


Condition: When location name is invalid

    "error": "Please enter a valid location name."


Add Packages

Guides can add tour packages for any location.

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Error responses for add packages:

Condition: Error in authorization token (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "Unauthorized"


Condition: When request is not made by a guide

    "error": "User needs to be a Guide. Please register as a Guide."


Condition: If input request does not satisfy data constraints

    "error": "incorrect parameters"


Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Internal server error."


Fetch Own Packages

Guides can see all the tour packages they have added on their profile.

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Error responses for viewing added packages:

Condition: Error in authorization token (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "Unauthorized"


Condition: When request is not made by a guide.

    "error": "User needs to be a Guide. Please register as a Guide."


Condition: When no packages are available for the searched location.

    "error": "No package currently available for this user."


Condition: Unknown error.

    "error": "Internal server error."


Search Packages

Tourists/Guides can view tour packages available for the place they have searched.

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Error responses for search packages:

Condition: Error in authorization token (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "Unauthorized"


Condition: When location name is not valid.

    "error": "Please enter a valid location name."


Condition: When no packages are available for the searched location.

    "error": "No package currently available for this location."


Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Internal server error."


Book Packages

Tourists can book any available tour package for a location. Based on the package selected by the tourist, the corresponding packageId will be sent in request to server.


Error responses for book packages:

Condition: Error in authorization token (not binding the required conditions).

   "error": "Unauthorized"


Condition: When user is not a tourist.

   "error": "User needs to be a Tourist. Please register as a tourist."


Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Internal server error."


View Bookings

Tourists can see their booked packages on their profile. Based on the email extracted from authorization token, a list of the corresponding booked packages are returned in response.


Error responses for view bookings:

Condition: The user authentication fails


Condition: When user is not a tourist

    "error": "User needs to be a Tourist."

Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Error occured. Please try again."

Add comments

Tourists can add reviews of any tour packages that they have booked.

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Error responses for adding comments:

Condition: The user authentication fails


Condition: When user is not a tourist

    "error": "User needs to be a Tourist."

Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Error occured. Please try again."

Get Package Comments

Cooments for any package can be viewed by sending the packageId in request to server.

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Error responses for viewing comments:

Condition: The user authentication fails


Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Error occured. Please try again."

Fetch user Comments

Tourists can fetch all the comments given by him


Error responses for adding comments:

Condition: The user authentication fails


Condition: When user is not a tourist

    "error": "User needs to be a tourist."

Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Error occured. Please try again."


Users can logout by giving the Acess token in the Authorization


Error responses for logout:

Condition: The user authentication fails



Users can refresh and get a new Access token and Refresh token when the Access token is expired


Error responses for refresh:

Condition: The user authentication fails


Condition: When the Refresh token is expired

    "error": "Refresh token expired"

Condition: Unknown error

    "error": "Error occured"