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aris alexis edited this page Feb 8, 2016 · 2 revisions

Info (generic structure for describing actions (streams/notifications whatever) that happened in the system.
It can describe something like:

John and 54 others will participate in event X or
Activity X was deleted by User A

String origin Retweet/Stream/Like/Comment/Geolocation (why do we see this)

String[] sourceCanonicalNames (who initiated the action, usually the username)

String[] sourceIds (initiator id's)

String[] targetCanonicalNames (title of the activity or username)

String[] targetIds

String[] sourceImages

String[] targetImages

String[] referenceCanonicalNames (usually the username)

String[] referenceIds

String[] referenceImages

String sourceType (usually User)

String targetType (User/Activity)

long timestamp

String action any of the Actions class constants

String payload (containts links or other info, maybe a json object)

Comment[] comments

User[] likers (list of usernames of people who like this)

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