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Templates to launch fully functional CVP clusters in AWS.


Install terraform, ansible, AWS CLI (version 2) and use one of the provided .tfvars examples.

2. Requisites

2.1. terraform

This module is tested with terraform 1.0.1, but should work with any terraform newer than the version shown below. You can download it from the official website.

Terraform is distributed as a single binary. Install Terraform by unzipping it and moving it to a directory included in your system's PATH.


Name Version
terraform >= 0.14


Name Version
aws 3.48.0
local 2.1.0
null 3.1.0
random 3.1.0
tls 3.1.0


Name Source Version
cvp_cluster ./modules/cvp-cluster n/a
cvp_provision_nodes git:: v3.0.2

2.2. AWS CLI

You must have the AWS CLI version 2 installed and authenticated. For installation details please see here.

We suggest that you create a profile and authenticate the cli using these steps. Feel free to change cvp-profile to whatever profile name you prefer:

  1. Initialize your aws profile
$ aws configure --profile cvp-profile
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
Default region name [None]: us-east-2
Default output format [None]:

Note: If you're using temporary credentials to access AWS (such as STS or keys from Vault) you'll also need to add your aws_session_token in the profile in ~/.aws/credentials.

2.3. ansible

You must have ansible installed for provisioning to work. You can check installation instructions here.

3. Quickstart

These steps assume that you created a profile following the steps in the AWS CLI section. You must also be in the project's directory (cvp-in-aws):

  • Initialize Terraform (only needed on the first run):
$ terraform init
  • Edit the examples/one-node-cvp-deployment.tfvars file and replace with the desired values.
$ vi examples/one-node-cvp-deployment.tfvars
  • Plan your full provisioning run:
$ terraform plan -out=plan.out -var-file=examples/one-node-cvp-deployment.tfvars
  • Review your plan
  • Apply the generated plan:
terraform apply plan.out
  • Go have a coffee. At this point, CVP should be starting in your instance and may take some time to finish bringing all services up. You can ssh into your cvp instances with the displayed cvp_cluster_ssh_user and cvp_cluster_nodes_ips to check progress.

4. Adding EOS devices

If devices are in a network that can't be reached by CVP they need to be added by configuring TerminAttr on the devices themselves (similar to any setup behind NAT). At the end of the terraform run a suggested TerminAttr configuration line will be displayed containing the appropriate cvaddr and cvauth parameters:

Provisioning complete. To add devices use the following TerminAttr configuration:
exec /usr/bin/TerminAttr -cvaddr= -cvcompression=gzip -cvauth=key,JkqAGsEyGPmUZ3X0 -smashexcludes=ale,flexCounter,hardware,kni,pulse,strata -ingestexclude=/Sysdb/cell/1/agent,/Sysdb/cell/2/agent -cvvrf=default -taillogs

The exec configuration can be copy-pasted and should be usable in most scenarios.

Note It is highly recommended to use device authentication via certificates. In case of CVP behind NAT the onboarding token would have to be manually generated. This can be done on the UI starting from 2021.2.0. In older CVP versions the token can be generated from the CLI.

To enroll with certificates the following steps can be used:

1. Generate the token on CVP CLI with curl -d '{"reenrollDevices":["*"]}' -k 2. Save the token on EOS to a file:

>enable #copy terminal: file:/tmp/token <paste the generated token here and press Ctrl+D>

3. Configure TerminAttr

daemon TerminAttr
   exec /usr/bin/TerminAttr -cvaddr= -cvcompression=gzip -cvauth=token,/tmp/token -smashexcludes=ale,flexCounter,hardware,kni,pulse,strata -ingestexclude=/Sysdb/cell/1/agent,/Sysdb/cell/2/agent -cvvrf=default -taillogs
   no shutdown

5. Variables

Required variables are asked at runtime unless specified on the command line. Using a .tfvars file is recommended in most cases.


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_network The ID of the network in which clusters will be launched. Leaving this blank will create a new network. string null no
aws_network_cidr CIDR for the AWS VPC that's created by the module. Only used when aws_network is NOT set. string "" no
aws_profile AWS CLI profile. Must match a valid profile in your ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials. string null no
aws_region The region in which all AWS resources will be launched. string n/a yes
aws_start_instances Whether to start CVP instances when running terraform. bool false no
aws_subnet The ID of the subnet in which clusters will be launched. Only used when aws_network is set. string null no
aws_subnet_cidr The subnetwork CIDR in which clusters will be launched. Only used when aws_network is NOT set. string "" no
aws_zone The zone in which all GCP resources will be launched. string n/a yes
cvp_cluster_centos_version The Centos version used by CVP instances. string null no
cvp_cluster_name The name of the CVP cluster string n/a yes
cvp_cluster_public_eos_communitation Whether the ports used by EOS devices to communicate to CVP are publically accessible over the internet. bool false no
cvp_cluster_public_management Whether the cluster management interface (https/ssh) is publically accessible over the internet. bool false no
cvp_cluster_remove_disks Whether data disks created for the instances will be removed when destroying them. bool false no
cvp_cluster_size The number of nodes in the CVP cluster number n/a yes
cvp_cluster_vm_admin_user User that will be used to connect to CVP cluster instances. string "cvpsshadmin" no
cvp_cluster_vm_key Public SSH key used to access instances in the CVP cluster. string null no
cvp_cluster_vm_password Password used to access instances in the CVP cluster. string null no
cvp_cluster_vm_private_key Private SSH key used to access instances in the CVP cluster. string null no
cvp_cluster_vm_type The type of instances used for CVP string "c5.4xlarge" no
cvp_download_token Arista Portal token used to download CVP. May be obtained on under Portal Access. string n/a yes
cvp_enable_advanced_login_options Whether to enable advanced login options on CVP. bool false no
cvp_ingest_key Key that will be used to authenticate devices to CVP. string null no
cvp_install_size CVP installation size. string null no
cvp_k8s_cluster_network Internal network that will be used inside the k8s cluster. Applies only to 2021.1.0+. string "" no
cvp_ntp NTP server used to keep time synchronization between CVP nodes. string "" no
cvp_version CVP version to install on the cluster. string "2020.3.1" no
cvp_vm_image Image used to launch VMs. string null no
eos_ip_range IP ranges used by EOS devices that will be managed by the CVP cluster. list(any) [] no


Name Description
cvp_instances_credentials Public IP addresses and usernames of the cluster instances.
cvp_terminattr_instructions Instructions to add EOS devices to the CVP cluster.

6. Examples

6.1. Using a .tfvars file

Note: Before running this please replace cvp_download_token with your Arista Portal token and change/remove aws_profile to match your configuration.

$ terraform apply -var-file=examples/one-node-cvp-deployment.tfvars

7. Removing the environment

In order to remove the environment you launched you can run the following command:

$ terraform destroy -var-file=examples/one-node-cvp-deployment.tfvars

This command removes everything from the AWS project.

8. Bugs and Limitations

  • Resizing clusters is not supported at this time.
  • This module connects to the instance using the root user instead of the declared user for provisioning due to limitations in the base image that's being used. If you know your way around terraform and understand what you're doing, this behavior can be changed by editing the modules/cvp-provision/ file.
  • CVP installation size auto-discovery only works for custom instances at this time.