Implemented a scene-graph using the complete C/C++ pipeline for graphics with Opengl using Model- View-Control (MVC) architecture. The scene allows for user to change point of view between different objects and permits interaction with said objects.
- Run 'make run' on the terminal to compile and execute.
Press 'C' to controll a camera.
Press 'M' to controll a man. Note that you can only control A and B.
Press 'A' or 'B' to control either camera or the man depending on whether you have chosen 'C' or 'M'
Use the arrow keys to move the selected object.
The mouse is exclusively used by the camera.
Press 'F' to choose flying bird's camera
Press 'G' to choose general camera.
While controlling a man,
- press Right Ctrl and then direction to move.
- press Right Alt and then opposite direction to stop.
Pess ESC to quit.