For the most detailed experience, please follow along with this screencast and reference the end product as needed
clone down and setup as you would normally:
bundle install rake db:migrate rake db:seed
Add this gem to your gemfile:
gem "chartkick"
Create a new file in the app/assets/javascripts folder called
and copy in the full highcharts codebase -
addLabel//= require highcharts //= require chartkick
View code to create the original pie chart of exercise log data:
<%= pie_chart %>
View code to create the final column chart of exercise log data:
<%= column_chart, ytitle: "Avg Minutes" %>
View code to create the time series chart of exercise duration data grouped by dateFormats
<%= line_chart"date(exercise_logs.created_at)").sum(:duration) %>
View code to create manually entered pie chart data:
<%= pie_chart({:running => 32, :swimming => 54, :biking => 72}, ytitle: "Avg Minutes") %>