Transfer SeaFlow files between source and destination, which can be SFTP or local.
Will not transfer gzipped files, but will gzip before writing to destination.
If using SFTP, the SSH password should be set in ENV as SSHPASSWORD.
Otherwise the password will be gathered from a prompt.
All other options can be set in ENV as well, overriding CLI options.
ENV variable names should be uppercased CLI option names.
Boolean option ENV vars should be set to 1 for true.
Usage of seaflow-transfer:
-dstAddress string
Address of SFTP destination
-dstRoot string
Root path of destination
Suppress informational logging
-srcAddress string
Address of SFTP source
-srcRoot string
Root path of source
-sshPort string
SSH port (default "22")
-sshPublicKey string
SSH public key file, overrides SSHPASSWORD
-sshUser string
SSH user name
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