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A directory for sandboxes and the tutorial generation logic.


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This repository contains the different sandboxes that we're using as part of VITAL. It was historically used for POCs, but was converted to be a repo for the sandboxes as most of the POCs were sandbox related.

How to add a new sandbox?

All sandboxes are docker based. Create a folder to put your sandbox in, create a Dockerfile which creates your sandbox container and push. See various existing examples.

Note that nothing is "automatic" as of yet. Adding a sandbox here doesn't mean it's available on the VITAL platform directly. There are a few manual steps, which we've not had the time to automate.

How to write a tutorial?

We will follow our "Explore-Exploit-Mitigate" way of learning. Place the content in a markdown file, that should look like this

server_id: <the server id available in the prod_env.js>
language: node|python|...

<!-- explore-start -->

Put the content for the "Explore" section

<!-- explore-end -->
<!-- exploit-start -->

Put the content for the "Exploit" section

<!-- exploit-end -->
<!-- mitigate-start -->

Put the content for the "Mitigate" section

<!-- mitigate-end -->

server_id is the way the node backend, firebase, and UI identify a particular problem and its sandbox. The comments <!-- xxx-start/xxx-end --> are case sensitive are used to split the markdown file into the different areas.

How to correctly update to Firebase?

First, update the /problems collection

Adding a new completely new problem?

  1. "Add document" under /problems. Let the ID be Auto ID.
  2. Add difficulty, title as strings and support as an array.
  3. Follow the next section to add the details of the ids and support.

Adding a new language support for a problem that's already there?

  1. Find the problem under /problems.
  2. Under /ids, create a new map with name as your language.
  3. Add a key called server_id inside that map, and its value as the server_id that you've decided.
  4. Add your language in the support array as well.

Example of how a new problem should look

CSRF Problem on Firebase

Now, update the /problem_contents

  1. Create an .env file inside content-generator folder. Add a key GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, and value as the path to the JSON file that you can use to get admin access. For the file, look in Project settings > Service accounts > Generate new private key. FYI, you'll need to do this only once.
  2. Add the path of markdown file you just wrote, relative the root of the repo, here.
  3. Run node index.js inside content-generator folder. You will have to run npm install to get the dependencies of the project once as well.


A directory for sandboxes and the tutorial generation logic.







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