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Jenkins docker images repository Build Status

This repository contains jenkins docker images to run on Openshift but it should also be runnable on any vanilla Kubernetes environment. This has been tested on an Openshift cluster and it is based on official Openshift jenkins based image.

There are however some slight differences between this setup and the default Openshift setup setup:

  1. These images doe not use Software Collections. It gives us the flexibility to combine jenkins builder images to the same Pod template. See this issue for more details.
  2. The builder images does not contain the jnlp client to manage the communication with the master. Instead, each Pod template is composed of 1 jnlp container and one or more builder container(s). I've found that this setup better isolates the configuration - especially if we use a java builder such as builder-gradle with some java environment variables such as _JAVA_OPTIONS - because the environment variables are set at the container level. Read below for more info.
  3. It's also easier to reproduce a build in the container as we don't have to bypass the jnlp entrypoint.

Jenkins slave images

In Openshift/Kubernetes and in this setup a jenkins slave is a Pod template containing:

  • 1 jnlp container
  • 1 or many builders

Jenkins PodTemplate

These slaves are configured in the helm chart values.yaml Here is the current list of slaves with their containers:


The first thing to do in a Openshift/Kubernetes environment is to create a namespace. For the rest of this doc, we will assume we will install jenkins in the cicd namespace.

Let's create the namespace

export NAMESPACE=cicd
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE

Use images available on docker hub with Helm

Helm is the recommended way to setup the cicd infrastructure. To install helm cli on Openshift, please follow the guideline here. Tiller (the server component in Helm 2) will not be used in this guide.

Once it is done, you can apply the jenkins-openshift chart:

make --directory=charts/jenkins-openshift --environment-overrides apply

This will use the pre-built images based on centos directly available from docker hub.

Once it is done (wait a few minutes to let Openshift/Kubernetes the time to download the docker images), jenkins should be deployed and you should be able to configure your jobs.

Now, if you want to build the images in Openshift, keep reading.

Build the images in Openshift with helm

We will use the openshift-build Helm chart to build the images in Openshift:

# configure builds for centos base images
make --directory=charts/openshift-build --environment-overrides apply
# trigger builds
make openshiftBuild


Alternatively, the openshift-build supports rhel based images. In order to use it, you should use the Openshift CDK and have a RedHat developer account or you should have an appropriate Openshift cluster with a license. Once you have it, you can apply the template with the value parameter images.os=rhel:

make --directory=charts/openshift-build --environment-overrides applyRhel
# trigger builds
make openshiftBuild

Then wait for all the builds to complete. It can take severals minutes, so be patient !

Once it is done, you can now deploy Jenkins using the images you have just built:

make --directory=charts/jenkins-openshift --environment-overrides applyFromBuild

Test your setup

In order to test your setup, you can execute a test pipeline:

make --environment-overrides testPipeline

Then go to the Jenkins web console and check the build status.

The hostname can be retrieved with the oc get route command. Here is an example:

oc get route
NAME      HOST/PORT                            PATH      SERVICES   PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
jenkins             jenkins    <all>                   None

So in this example, you can then open your favorite browser and navigate to

With Jenkins pipeline self promotion

If you have successfully followed the guides above, you probably realise that it's a lot of manual interventions. While this is completely fine to quickly bootstrap a CI/CD infrastructure for testing, in enterprise life, this infrastructure will probably evolve a lot. For example: you will upgrade plugins, install new one, add/update configuration and add/update slaves.

Probably in your company, you will have some people that will take care of it and normally, they want to validate changes in an isolated environment before promoting it to the developers so you can minimize the impact on development productivity, likewise you first test your application in a staging environment before promoting it to production.

We will see how we can use Jenkins and its pipeline to build a new Jenkins, validate this new version and finally promote it the CI/CD environment used by the developers. So in short, we will use Jenkins to build and deploy a new Jenkins instance :-). This allows you to maintain your CICD infrastructure as code in a git repository and apply a DevOps pipeline on it so that it can be automatically build, test and deployed likewise any regular business application.

In this scenario, we will first install jenkins in the cicd project like we did before, then we will use this jenkins to execute the build and deploy pipeline and the promote pipeline as describe in this picture:

Jenkins self promotion

Build and deploy pipeline

This pipeline is executed in the main jenkins in cicd namespace.

Jenkins build pipeline

Here are the steps when it is triggered by a webhook:

  • First, it builds docker images for jenkins master and its slave from the jenkins deployed in cicd environment and publish the docker image in the cicd-staging namespace This a specific openshift concept where the docker images are scoped to a namespace. You can find more information in their documentation

  • Then if the builds succeeded, it deploys the new jenkins in cicd-staging namespace.

  • Then if the deployment succeeded, it creates or updates and then triggers the jenkins-test-pipeline in this new Jenkins to validate its setup. This pipeline is created via a BuildConfig Openshift object in namespace cicd-staging. The openshift-sync-plugin will then detect this change and update the jenkins pipeline accordingly.

    This pipeline looks like:

    Jenkins test pipeline

  • Finally if everything goes well, it creates or updates and then triggers the jenkins-promote-pipeline (via the BuildConfig Openshift object) in cicd-staging.

Promote pipeline

This pipeline is executed in the new jenkins in cicd-staging namespace.

pipeline test

Here are the steps:


Running the following script will:

  1. Create the namespace cicd
  2. Install Jenkins in cicd namespace
  3. Create the jenkins-build-pipeline
  4. Trigger the jenkins-build-pipeline
export NAMESPACE=cicd
kubectl create namespace $NAMESPACE
make --directory=charts/jenkins-openshift --environment-overrides apply
# create the build pipeline with BuildConfig
oc process -f openshift/build-pipeline-template.yaml -p GIT_REF=master | kubectl -n $NAMESPACE apply -f -
# trigger the build pipeline
oc -n $NAMESPACE start-build jenkins-build-pipeline

Once the build pipeline is triggered, it will responsible to:

  1. Create the cicd-staging namespace
  2. Build and deploy jenkins in it
  3. Trigger the jenkins-test-pipeline in the jenkins in cicd-staging namespace and wait its completion
  4. Trigger the jenkins-promote-pipeline in the jenkins in cicd-staging

A word about RBAC in Kubernetes/Openshift

Depending on what you want to achieve, Jenkins and its slaves need some authorization. For simplicity, this chart uses the same ServiceAccount for both Jenkins master and its slaves.

Here is a non exhaustive list of operation you may want to perform:

Allow Jenkins to deploy edit other projects

If Jenkins needs to deploy application in other project than its own, it needs to have the role edit. You can achieve it by giving this role to the Jenkins service account:

Replace $JENKINS_PROJECT and $PROJECT with the desired ones:

kubectl create rolebinding jenkins_edit --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=$JENKINS_PROJECT:jenkins -n $PROJECT

Allow Jenkins to create and delete its own projects

If Jenkins needs to create project on demand, we need to give its service account the self-provisioner cluster role with the following command (you need to be a cluster-admin):

kubectl create clusterrolebinding jenkins_self-provisioner --clusterrole=self-provisioner --serviceaccount=$JENKINS_PROJECT:jenkins

Allow a project B to pull image from another project A

For this, you need to provide image-puller access, so that $PROJECT_B project can pull an image from the $PROJECT_A project.

kubectl create rolebinding jenkins_system:image-puller --clusterrole=system:image-puller --group=system:serviceaccounts:$PROJECT_B -n $PROJECT_A

A typical use case of it is that images will be build in development project and will be pulled in testing project. So as an example:

kubectl create rolebinding jenkins_system:image-puller --clusterrole=system:image-puller --group=system:serviceaccounts:testing -n development