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Localization 1.1

Arne Claus edited this page Feb 24, 2014 · 8 revisions

New localization strings for version 1.1.0


Key Description
Random Unknown character class (external member slots)
Arcanist Final Fantasy 14 class
Archer Final Fantasy 14 class
Bard Final Fantasy 14 class
Blackmage Final Fantasy 14 class
Conjurer Final Fantasy 14 class
Dragoon Final Fantasy 14 class
Gladiator Final Fantasy 14 class
Lancer Final Fantasy 14 class
Marauder Final Fantasy 14 class
Monk_FF14 Final Fantasy 14 class
Paladin_FF14 Final Fantasy 14 class
Pugilist Final Fantasy 14 class
Scholar Final Fantasy 14 class
Summoner Final Fantasy 14 class
Thaumaturge Final Fantasy 14 class
Warrior_FF14 Final Fantasy 14 class
Whitemage Final Fantasy 14 class
Esper Wildstar class
Spellslinger Wildstar class
Stalker Wildstar class
Medic Wildstar class
Engineer Wildstar class
Melee Close combat role
Range Ranged combat role
Support Supporter role
PHPVersionWarning Updated text, displayed before setup after version check failed
RepeatOnce Do not repeat raid
RepeatDay Repeat raid for the following x days
RepeatWeek Repeat raid for the following x weeks
RepeatMonth Repeat raid for the following x month
RaidNotFound Displayed when viewing a raid that has been deleted (e.g. stale link)
RaidSetup Intended to be used in forum messages -> People that are raiding
LinkToRaid Intended to be used in forum messages -> A link to the raid
Switch Label of the "switch character" button in the character tootlip
Retire Label of the "set absent" button in the character tooltip
Export Label of the "export" row in the raid settings view
ExportFile Label of the "export to file button" in the raid settings view
ExportClipboard Label of the "export to clipboard button" in the raid settings view
CopyOk Text displayed after successfully copying raid data to clipboard
UserNotFound Displayed when viewing a profile that has been deleted (e.g. stale link)
VacationStart Label of a vacation setting in the profile section
VacationEnd Label of a vacation setting in the profile section
NoStartDate Error message if no vacation start date has been entered
NoEndDate Error message if no vacation end date has been entered
VacationMessage Label of a vacation setting in the profile section
ClearVacation Label of the "clear vacation" button in the profile section
AutoAttend Label for the "automatic attend" option
Game Label of the game setting in the settings section
ApiPrivate Label of the API key in the settings section


Key Description
AdminName Label, Name of the administrator account
GameconfigNotFound Error message if no gameconfig.php could be found
FailedGameconfig Error message if the gameconfig.php failed to upgrade
RemoveAndLaunch Hint after finishing the setup / update
FailedRemoveSetup Error message if the setup folder could not be deleted
RepairCharacters Label for the repair tool
TransferGameconfig Label for the repair tool
MergeGame Label for the repair tool
SourceGame Label for the repair tool
TargetGame Label for the repair tool
ChooseRepairs Explaining message for the repair tool
Fixing Text part shown during repair
StrayChars Text part shown during repair (characters without user)
StrayAttends Text part shown during repair (attends without raid/character)
InvalidCharacters Text part shown during repair
SameGame Warning during repair
Merged Text part shown during repair
Locations Text part shown during repair (merged locations)
Characters Text part shown during repair (merged characters)
LoadSettings Button in the bindings section
BindingBasePath Button in the bindings section
RetrievalFailed Error message if external settings failed to load
RetrievalOk Message if settings succeeded to load
NotExisting Error message if external settings could not be found
AllowAutoLogin Label, allow login from external cookie
NoValidConfig Error message if external settings failed to load
CookieNote Note on cookie scope
PostToForum Label for the post to forum option
PostAsUser Label for the post to forum option
DisablePosting Option for the forum selector
NoUsersFound Option for the user selector
vb3_CookieEx vbulletin specific setting (cookie prefix)
vanilla_CookieEx vanilla specific setting (detailed string explanation)
jml3_CookieEx joomla specific setting (secret token)
drupal_CookieEx drupal specific setting (drupal url)
wp_CookieEx wordpress specific setting (detailed string explanation)
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