Sage Cafe is a fictional company website inspired on an Idea by Mikaila Parry and brought to life by her fiance Andre Romero. Live:
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- The purpose of this project is to determine if I could build a functioning company website for a fictional coffee and cafe shop inspired by my fiance Mikaila Parry
- CSS3
- Javascript - Pending
List the ready features here:
- Functions as a Company Website
Project is: in progress
To do:
- Add CSS to conform with adding horizontal columns for images / menu's
- Add CSS to ensure page is responsive
- Add functionality to newletter / contact form submissions.
Give credit here.
- This project was inspired by CodeCademy's Company Homepage Challenge Project
- Many thanks to my fiance Mikaila Parry for being the designer and brainstormer behind this webpage as well as Mircea(Zenandreas) for assisting me with some CSS aspects!
Created by Andre Romero (aromero18020) and Mircea(zenandreas).