Docker container for Ampache, a web based audio/video streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music & videos from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device.
build status
Develop build status
To run official builds from docker hub you can run these commands:
To run the current Ampache master (stable) branch
docker run --name=ampache -d -v /path/to/your/music:/media:ro -p 80:80 ampache/ampache
To run the current Ampache develop branch
docker run --name=ampache -d -v /path/to/your/music:/media:ro -p 80:80 ampache/ampache:develop
The develop tag is set up to use git updates so you don't have to rebuild your images to stay up to date with development.
The automated builds for the official repo are now built for linux/amd64, linux/arm/v7 and linux/arm64.
- MySQL Administrative Username: root # leave alone
- MySQL Administrative Password: (blank) # leave alone
- Check "Create Database User"
- Ampache Database Username: ampache
- Ampache Database User Password: ampache # or whatever you want, but remember it on the next page
- next page fill out MySQL Username / Password
- Click the "Write" buttons from BOTTOM to TOP
- Do this because it is the last one that needs the username and password and they get blanked out on every click
- @ericfrederich for his original work
- @velocity303 and @goldy for the other ampache-docker inspiration