- Download and install clang
- bash -c "$(wget -O - https://apt.llvm.org/llvm.sh)"
- for more info see: https://apt.llvm.org
- Install * * * * * * * *
- ./configure
- make
The programs can be run from the src directory. If the NDEBUG macro is not defined, they will find the ini file and certificates in the etc directory of the repo. With the NDEBUG macro turned on this search path is turned off, only in the etc and /etc directories are looked up.
The names of the ini files are as follows:
| Authorizer | authorize.ini | | Cert. Authority | certauthority.ini | | Choreographer | choreographer.ini | | Dev. Registry | devregistry.ini | | Event Handler | eventhandler.ini | | Gatekeeper | gatekeeper.ini | | Gateway | gateway.ini | | Onboarding | onboarding.ini | | Orchestrator | orchestrator.ini | | QosMonitor | qosmonitor.ini | | Serv. Registry | serviceregistry.ini | | Sys. Registry | sysregistry.ini |
Ctrl + C or send a kill to it.
By default the console is used for logging. To set a different target use the ./configure, e.g.,
- openssl pkcs12 -in path.p12 -out newfile.pem -clcerts -nokeys
- openssl pkcs12 -in path.p12 -out newfile.key -nocerts -nodes
- openssl rsa -aes256 -in your.key -out your.encrypted.key
The main directories are called etc, inc, src and test.
The etc directory contains the sample configuration files and key. The inc directory contains the thirdparty libraries like catch2, spdlog and sqlite3.
The main code resides inside the src diectory, while the test directory contains the tests.
For testing purposes the Catch2 suite is used.
All tests are placed in a file called testNNNN.cpp, where NNNN is a four digit number. To decode the content of the file please consult the README.md in the test directory.
The main part of the program are: i) the HTTPS server that is responsible for handling all the incomming connections, and ii) the core that is responsible for the bussiness logic.
The src/boot/traits directory contains all the information necessary for configuring all the core elements.