LinqAn (LINQ ANalytics, pronounced "Lincoln") is a .NET companion library for analytics platforms, allowing for LINQ-based queries. LinqAn.Google is the Google version, which uses Google Analytics Core Reporting API v3. Currently this supports the .NET 4.5 framework, in addition to DNX 4.5.1.
The following Queryable operators are supported for now:
- Where
- Include
- OrderBy
- OrderByDescending
- ThenBy
- ThenByDescending
- Skip
- Take
- Select
- ToList
- ToArray
- ToDictionary
- ToLookup
- ToListAsync
We closed the following issues in this version:
- #17 (Add support for IQueryable Select(this IQueryable source, Func<IQueryableRecord, T> selector)
- #18 (Add async methods - ToListAsync)
- #28 (Add Custom Dimensions and Metrics)
- #29 (Add Templated Dimensions and Metrics)
- #30 (Add Calculated Metrics)
- #33 (Skip without Take is not skipping the first n records)
- #37 (Data type of templated metrics set to float)
- #38 (Include supports properties other than Metrics and Dimensions)
- #31 (Reduce public modules and add comments)