SimplySAC replicates SAC with minimum (~200) lines of code in clean, readable PyTorch style, while trying to use as few additional tricks and hyper-parameters as possible.
- The actor's log_std output is clamped to lie within [-20, 2] according to the authors' source code.
- Before learning, the replay buffer is warmed up with 1e4 transitions collected using an uniformly random policy.
- The Q-value in the actor's loss averages from two critics.
That's it! All other things follow the original paper and pseudo code.
Also check out SimplyPPO, a minimal Proximal-Policy-Optimization PyTorch implementation.
Same as the figures in the original paper, these figures are produced with:
- One evaluation episode every 1e3 steps.
- 5 random seeds, where the mean return is represented by the solid line, and max/min return by the shaded area.
To execute a single run:
python -g [gpu_id] -e [env_id] -l [log_id]
Note that the PyBullet versions of the locomotion environments are harder than the MuJoCo versions.
Experiments use torch==1.7.1
, mujoco-py==
, pybullet==3.0.8