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Arun Patra edited this page Jan 29, 2014 · 8 revisions

Welcome to Expense Tracker - an open source, multi-user, web based expense management application. Based on Spring, Webflow, JPA, JSF, PrimeFaces and Hibernate it both showcases usage of these technologies and also comes in very handy if you share expenses with a few other people.

This wiki contains information for developers who would want to play around with the source code or modify it to suit their needs. You would find detailed installation instructions in the wiki pages as well.

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About Expense Tracker Setup Guide Technical Documentation
About Setup Setup
[[About Expense Tracker Expense-Tracker-Overview]] [[Setup Guide
Introducing Expense Tracker - What does it do A step-by-step guide to configure and run Expense Tracker Detailed technical documentation on Expense Tracker and its sub-systems