A Desktop GUI application using PySide6 on Valentine's Day data - A guide with codes to create your first desktop application. For the detailed guide, check out this tutorial on Towards Data Science.
The National Retail Federation in the United States has been conducting surveys on how people plan to celebrate Valentine's Day for over a decade. The data provides a demographic breakdown of total spending, average spending, types of gifts planned and spending per type of gift.
To get started please download the data, which is free to use, from Kaggle and add it under 'data/' directory.
The project was developed using Python 3.8.10 with the following packages.
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Pyside6
Installation with pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the terminal in your machine and run the following command after cloning the repository with all data and files.
python3 valentines_app.py
- valentines-analysis.ipynb : Jupyter Notebook with all the workings including analysis and visualizations.
- valentines_app.py: Script for the Desktop GUI application
- requirements.txt : pre-requisite libraries for the project
- data/ : the 3 CSV datasets for the project
This project was aimed at building our first desktop application, from a data scientist's point-of-view. We start asking interesting questions from a dataset and create visualizations as answers for these questions. Then we wrap these visualizations, in the form of an interactive desktop GUI application such that on a press of the button, the visualizations appear on the application.
The National Retail Federation, for collecting, cleaning and providing the data for analysis.
PySide6, for the open-source library for desktop GUI application development.