Climatrack is a small weather app designed and developed using html, css and vanilla javascript. It enables you to check the weather of your city using simple to use user-interface. It also provides you with air quality and various other parameters like humidity, visibility, windspeed, etc.
Climatrack also provides anyone using this web-app with 3 hour forecast upto the next 2 days. It can cover most of the major cities without any exceptions.
Climatrack offers the following features to anyone using:
- Easy access to weather across the whole world.
- Access to even parameters like humidity, visibility, pressure and wind speed.
- It gives a basic description of what the weather conditions might look like.
- It gives a brief description of the air quality.
- It also provides the user with 3 hour forecast for upto two days.
- Open the climatrack url.
- Search the city you wish to obtain the weather of.
#Technologies Used
- Vanilla Javascript
A simple weather app called Climatrack created and developed using html, css, and vanilla javascript allows you to utilise an easy-to-use user interface to check the weather in your city. The air quality and numerous other factors, like humidity, visibility, windspeed, etc., are also provided.