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Welcome to my dotfiles. I try to keep them tidy, but you know, they are just 'aight. They're largely bash, vim, git and tmux centric.


  • Supports gpg-agent as an alternative to ssh-agent when installed
  • Displays battery percentage on OSX for Systems with a battery installed


  1. Using install script

(requires python + pyyaml)

Create an install.yml (or copy the example) and run ./install.

  1. Symlink desired files into place.


The behavior of our environment can be controlled by setting any one of these variables in $HOME/.config/dotfiles/config

  • PROMPT_SIMPLE: (Default: 0) Use a simple prompt
  • PROMPT_BATTERY_STATUS: (Default: 1) On supported hosts, show battery status on prompt. This has no effect if PROMPT_SIMPLE=1.
  • PROMPT_NONZERO_RC: (Default: [✘]) Added to prompt if RC of last command is not 0
  • PROMPT_ZERO_RC: (Default: [✓]) Added to prompt if RC of last command is 0
  • SSH_AGENT_MODE: (Default: bastion) Set the operation mode of our SSH environment
  • SSH_AGENT_NAME: (Default: gpg-agent) Select the agent to use
  • SSH_AGENT_SSH_AUTH_SOCK: (Default: $HOME/.ssh_auth_sock) What to set SSH_AUTH_SOCK
  • SSH_AGENT_CACHE_TTL: (Default: 1800) How long (in seconds) that an agent caches a key.


  • Create a configuration utility to help set various flags