What's Changed
- support non_scalar parameters for rvs, cdf and ppf methods by @aloctavodia in #162
- Add test plot_interactive and roulette by @aloctavodia in #163 and in #164
- Refactor utils by @aloctavodia in #167
- add predictive_sliders function by @aloctavodia in #168
- DOCS: small changes to layout, name of notebook, fix typos, improve wording by @aloctavodia in #170 and in @aloctavodia in #171
- Predictive sliders improve parser by @aloctavodia in #173
- Make ppa PPL agnostic by @aloctavodia in #181
- Add Bernoulli by @aleicazatti in #182
- MLE: return index for sorting distributions by @aloctavodia in #184
- add AICc to mle by @aloctavodia in #186
- PPA: small fixes and refactor by @aloctavodia in #188
- try fixing widgets rendering by @OriolAbril in #187
- PPA: panel for the "total" prior predictive distribution, automatic selection, and family innovation by @aloctavodia in #190
- make ipympl a general requierement by @aloctavodia in #191
- predictive_slider: correct support for histograms of discrete variables by @aloctavodia in #196
- Add Geometric distribution by @aleicazatti in #197
- Point interval: use HDI as default by @aloctavodia in #198
- Add BetaBinomial distribution by @aleicazatti in #200
- Add Rice distribution by @aleicazatti in #203
- add categorical by @aloctavodia in #205
- add logitnormal distribution by @aloctavodia in #206 and in #210
- Add ZeroInflatedPoisson by @aloctavodia in #209