- On your kali machine, start a socat listener on port 4444 using the following command:
socat TCP-L:4444 -
- Start ngrok server that forwards connections to this local port
ngrok tcp 4444
- Copy the IP and port that you got from ngrok.
- Download the payload.zip and unzip it.
- Inside the payload folder, edit the power.ps1 file. Edit the $command variable and chane the IP and port to the one's you got from ngrok.
- Zip the payload file and upload it to a server you can download it form.
- Inside the Reverse_Shell_Antivirus_Bypassed.ino, change the download link of your payload.zip.
- Uplolad the ino script into your digispark
- Insert it into a windows PC
And you should have your reverse shell.
For more details, you can read this article I wrote : https://medium.com/@asadparkar/hack-any-windows-computer-using-a-usb-gain-remote-shell-access-over-the-internet-4112aa484b94
or watch my video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Kw-RFkrIX8&t=4s