The official repo has moved over here
Here is the midi file for the above plot.
Visit the documenation site to learn how it works!
- numpy
- pandas
- plotly
- Historic-Crypto (pip)
- pyaudio (conda)
- audiogen (pip)
- psidash
pip install
docs dependences (optional)
- mkdocs (pip)
- tabulate (pip)
git clone \
cd audiolizer \
You should see something like the following output
audiolizer temp data: ./history/
Dash is running on
* Serving Flask app 'audiolizer' (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
- WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
- Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
Open your browser to http://localhost:8051
You may hear a startup sound when the application starts. If you don't, that's ok - the dashboard will still play through the browser!
Now run the audiolizer application:
docker-compose up audiolizer
This will automatically mount the audiolizer repo into the container's /home/audiolizer
Open your browser to http://localhost:80
Running without mounting the repo into container:
docker run -p 8051:8051 -it apembroke/audiolizer
Running with mounted temp directories:
docker run -v /tmp/audio_files:/home/audiolizer/audiolizer/assets -v /tmp/price_data:/home/audiolizer/audiolizer/history -p 8051:8051 -it apembroke/audiolizer