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This application implements a minimalistic flask API application that would let the user search, create, delete and update jokes from Chuck Norris jokes, that works through for example Postman. To simplify the description, we will call Chuck Norris jokes as remote and application implemented in this repository as local.

The APIs

The API mainly consists of these 5 endpoints:

GET /jokes/?query={query}

Free text search endpoint. You should take local and remote search results into consideration.

POST /api/jokes/

Endpoint to create joke locally.

GET /api/jokes/{id}

Endpoint to retrieve a joke by unique id. You should take local and remote results into consideration.

PUT /api/jokes/{id}

Endpoint to update a joke by unique id. If the joke does not exist, return 404 not found. But if it does, store a updated version locally. Any subsequent reads should only see this updated version.

DELETE /api/jokes/{id}

Endpoint to delete a joke by unique id. If the joke does not exist, return 404 not found. But if it does, mark the joke locally as deleted. Any subsequent reads should NOT see this joke.