An end-to-end Ethereum based time locked wallet for depositing and claiming Ether and/or a custom ERC20 token after a certain release time is reached. Can be used for vesting for an ICO, pension or trust funds.
- Clone Factory Pattern is used to optimise the gas consumption on wallet creation using delegate calls.
- Below is the comparision of the gas cost for General Factory Pattern and Clone Factory Pattern -
- Gas consumed for wallet creation with General Factory Pattern - 685437
- Gas consumed for wallet creation with Clone Factory Pattern - 197876
- % decrease in gas cost with Clone Factory Pattern ~ 70%
- Refer below article to know how delegate calls are used in EVM to optimise the contract creation.
- Create a new wallet for beneficiary.
- Deposit Ether and/or ASH Token (ERC20 token) to the beneficiary wallet with a certain relase time.
- Claim Ether and/or ASH Token from the wallet only after the release time.
- Topup existing beneficiary wallet with Ether and ASH token.
- Truffle
- Ganache GUI application
- Metamask plugin
- Run the Ganache application. Create a new workspace with the following configuration -
Truffle Projects :
. Enter the absolute path here. Host:
port: 8545,
network_id: 2020 Gas price: 20000000000 wei (approx) - Compile and deploy the required smart contracts.
truffle migrate --reset
- Start the react client application located at
. Need to install node modules for the first time.npm run start
- The react application will run at
- Connect to new custom RPC in the Metamask plugin with the configurations same as that used for ganache.(one time setup).