This is a labeling tool to label objects to train neural networks.
The project requires
- python3
- tkinter
- pillow
- xml
- opencv
- argparse
To run the tool. Use the
script to run the samples.
python3 --input_directory=/path/to/images --output_directory=/path/to/output --classes=/path/to/class_list.txt --choice=3
set --choice
to 1 for YOLO darknet format
class x y w h
set --choice
to 2 for imagenet format without XML
number of bounding boxes x1 y1 x2 y2
set --choice
to 3 for Pascal VOC format with XML output
Do not press back when using --choice
1 and 3 as they are not converted back to x y coordinates to display and hence will delete the labels
The --classes
parameter needs a text file with the class names. It picks up the class name to add to the XML.
The base code if from