CNT Starter enables you to create web application with CMS of your choice, by cloning
** But currently we support only Contentful **
CNT Starter requires a few configuration options to create your web application.
Prerequisite: Ensure GitHub SSH setup is completed before proceeding.
You can run cnt-starter with the following option:
Please provide a name for your project, this will be used as the name of your project folder.
Example: my-cnt-app
CNT Starter currently supports Contentful. Please select Contentful as your CMS.
Please provide your Contentful access token. This can be found in your Contentful account under Settings > API keys.
Please provide your Contentful space id. This can be found in your Contentful account under Settings > General settings.
Please provide your Contentful environment id. This can be found in your Contentful account under Settings > General settings.
Please provide your Contentful collection name. This is the name of the collection that contains your content.