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Tutorial 3: pourbaix

ashtonmv edited this page Dec 15, 2016 · 6 revisions

Pourbaix diagrams will tell you whether or not a material is stable in water. If it is, it will tell you at what pH, voltage, and ion concentration it is stable. If it is not, it will tell you what it will probably dissolve into. Experimentalists love that kind of stuff, and we love experimentalists, so it's pretty cool that we can calculate Pourbaix diagrams from first-principles. The credit for this method mostly goes to Kristin Persson and her co-authors on this paper, which I highly recommend reading, especially if you use this module.

Plotting a Pourbaix diagram

For the most part, there is exactly one thing you should ever use this module for, and that's plotting a Pourbaix diagram for a material that has been relaxed with the input parameters used by twod_materials.stability.startup.relax(). If you've used those same parameters, by which I mean the default POTCAR files, INCAR parameters, and KPOINT density, then plotting the Pourbaix diagram is easy:

import os

from twod_materials.pourbaix.analysis import plot_pourbaix_diagram

plot_pourbaix_diagram(ion_concentration=1e-3)  # Just an example.

and you should have a plot named MoS2_1e-3.pdf. ion_concentration is in Molar, and should generally be somewhere between 1e-8 and 1.


Calibrating the pourbaix module to a new parameter set

I almost titled this section "Dabbling in the dark arts", because it can be a really messy endeavor. I just want to reiterate that unless you have an extraordinarily good reason not to use the default input parameters used in twod_materials, you should just use those and don't ask any questions. But let's say that you're possessed and really want to recalibrate the whole thing just so you can use a new set of parameters. I'll tell you how to do it below, but before I explain how the code works, I should probably explain the "science" (read: black magic) behind this process.

The idea is that DFT is really good at calculating the formation energies of solids, including 2D materials, but not very good at getting the formation energies of molecules and ions in solution. Both are important, since the Pourbaix diagram is basically a phase diagram between solids (your 2D material) and molecules/ions. One solution would be to use experimental formation energies for everything, but then the problem is that your 2D material's formation energy is probably not in any experimental database. So you just have to use DFT to get the formation energy of your 2D material and experimental databases for solvated ions. To account for the obvious discontinuity between these two methods, a "correction" needs to be applied to the experimental formation energies. We assume that this "correction" can be calculated for each element individually as the difference between the DFT-calculated formation energy of a simple oxide containing that element (e.g. MoO2 for Mo) and the experimentally calculated formation energy of that same oxide. The "correction" should be in units of eV/Mo atom in this example, and then it can be applied to the formation energy of every solvated ion that contains Mo. If a molecule has two Mo atoms in it, like Mo2(OH)2, then the correction is added to that molecule twice, and so on.

There are more things happening under the hood here; for example, a special correction has to be added to the diatomic elements (H, Br, I, N, O, F, Cl) to account for their gas phase entropy. The Calibrator object in twod_materials.pourbaix.startup is designed to handle all of these corrections. To use it, you need to run something like this, probably in a unique directory named after the calibration set you're using:

from twod_materials.pourbaix.startup import Calibrator

potcar_symbols = {'Mo': 'sv', 'S': '', 'O': 'pv'}
incar_dict = {'EDIFF': 1e-6, ...}

Calibrator(incar_dict, potcar_symbols,

The script above will submit jobs for Mo, S, and their oxides with the POTCAR files, INCAR parameters, and KPOINTS densities specified. You need to put all of your INCAR parameters into incar_dict, and you need to include oxygen in the potcar_symbols. Now your directory structure should look something like this:

  input_files...  # S has no solid oxide, so it gets no correction.

and then, once all of the calculations are finished running, you can calculate all the corrections for each element by running:

from twod_materials.pourbaix.startup import Calibrator


That will write an ion_corrections.yaml file with all of your element names and their corrections in eV/atom. You can replace the corrections in ions.yaml in the pourbaix module with these values. It should also give you the energies of the elemental phases in end_members.yaml; insert these values into the end_members.yaml in the pourbaix module as well.

Now you are ready to plot the pourbaix diagram just like in the example at the top of the page. Wasn't that fun?