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Class-Parallel Tsetlin Machine

Feedback decision tree visualised:


./tm [options]
option type description
-step‑size int number of inputs per training step
-steps int total number of training steps
-s float learning rate s
-boost‑pos 0 or 1 boost positive feedback; default is 0
-t float threshold T
-ts float,float,... comma-separated threshold list; this way you can set different T values for each class
-tnorm 0 or 1 T values are normalized; default is 1
-rand‑seed int use specific random seed or timer if 0 (default)
-acc‑eval‑train int currently disabled, dooes nothing
-acc‑eval‑test int use test dataset to evaluate accuracy: 0 - don't evaluate, -1 evaluate once at the end of training, n - evaluate every n steps
-log‑tastates if specified, enable logging of the TA state spectrum
-log‑status if specified, enable logging of the TM status variables and events
-log‑acc if specified, enable logging of the accuracy evaluation results
-log‑append if specified, append to the existing log files; default is rewrite
-load‑state string if specified, load previously saved state of the TM; the string value is path format, where %d is replaced by a class index
-save‑state string if specified, the state of TM is saved after training; the string value is path format, where %d is replaced by a class index
-train‑mask string binary mask to enable training per class; default is 11111..., i.e., every class is training
-par 0 or 1 enable parallel execution; default is 1


./tm -step-size 12000 -steps 5 -acc-eval-test 1 -log-acc

Train MNIST for 5 epochs, evaluate accuracy after each epoch (step) and log it.


Some parameters are hard-coded in TsetlinOptions.h and require recompilation when changed.

option type value description
FEATURES int (28*28) number of input features; defaulted to MNIST
CLASSES int 10 number of classes; defaulted to 10 for MNIST
CLAUSES int 200 number of clauses per class
NUM_STATES int 100 number of TA states per decision; exclude states are (-NUM_STATES+1) .. 0, include states are 1 .. NUM_STATES
LIT_LIMIT 0 or 1 0 toggle literal-limiting feedback algorithm
INPUT_DATA_PATH char* "pkbits" path to input data directory
TRAIN_DATA_FMT char* "/mnist-train-cls%d.bin" format of the train data input file (per-class, %d is replaced with the class index); the file is in pkbits format
TEST_DATA char* "/mnist-test.bin" test data file name; the file is in pkbits format

MNIST training and test data is included in

Build instructions

Using precompiled logger files

Logger headers TsetlinLogger.h and TsetlinLoggerDefs.h were pre-built for the logger.xml configuration. If you don't need to change logger functionality, you can use these precompiled files.

To build:

make quick

To clean:

make clean

Recompile logger files

Do not change TsetlinLogger.h and TsetlinLoggerDefs.h directly. If you need to modify logger, edit logger.xml and rebuild logger files.

To build:

make all


Edit GEN_LOGGER variable in the makefile to set path to AuxTsetlinTools.

To clean including TsetlinLogger.h and TsetlinLoggerDefs.h:

make cleanall

More information on logger generator and logger.xml specification: Logger XML specification

Plotting diagrams

Logged TM status variables can be plotted as SVG images using Jython scripts in the plots folder.


Download and put into JAR files into plots folder. Modify dataPath variable in script to point to the location of the acc.csv and *-status.csv files generated by the TM logging.

To plot diagrams, use:

java -jar jython-standalone-2.7.2.jar > All.svg

There is a separate tool for drawing TA spectrum diagrams: TA State Spectrogram


Class-parallel C implemenation of a Tsetlin Machine







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