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A simple, lightweight, and flexible form validation library


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Formoose is a lightweight, flexible JavaScript library for form validation. It supports a wide range of validation rules, including custom rules, and is designed to be easy to use and extend.


  • Rich validation rules: includes common rules like email, passwords, numbers, dates, checkbox, and radio groups.
  • Custom Messages: Easily set custom error messages for each rule.
  • Grouped Input Support: Validate grouped inputs like radio buttons and checkboxes.
  • Event Based: Custom events (formoose:submitting, formoose:submitted) to integrate validation seamlessly with your workflow.
  • Easy Error Display: Automatically displays error messages next to invalid inputs.
  • Highly Configurable: Customize or extend rules to meet specific requirements.


npm i formoosejs

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and put the dist directory in your project.


The dist directory contains two pre-built versions of Formoose to accommodate different module systems and environments:


This build is an ES Module (ESM) version of Formoose, designed for modern JavaScript environments that support the import and export syntax natively.

  • Use Case: Recommended for modern browsers and build tools like Webpack, Vite, or Rollup that handle ESM modules efficiently.
  • How to Use: Import it directly into your JavaScript project:
  import Formoose from './dist/';

  const formoose = new Formoose();

2. formoose.umd.js

This build is a Universal Module Definition (UMD) version, which works in both browser and Node.js environments. It is compatible with both CommonJS (require) and AMD module systems, as well as directly in <script> tags.

  • Use Case:

Ideal for projects using older build tools or requiring compatibility with legacy environments. Also suitable for quick integration using <script> in HTML files.

  • How to Use:

    • Browser (via script tag):
    <script src="./dist/formoose.umd.js"></script>
        const formoose = new Formoose();
    • Node.js (CommonJS):
    const Formoose = require('./dist/formoose.umd.js');
    const formoose = new Formoose();

Choose the Right Build

Build Use Case Module System Example Integration Modern JavaScript projects ES Modules (ESM) import syntax
formoose.umd.js Legacy environments or direct script use UMD (CommonJS/AMD) <script> or require statement

Both builds are minified for performance, ensuring fast loading and minimal overhead in production environments. Choose the one that best fits your project's requirements.


  1. Add the data-formoose-form attribute to your form:
<form data-formoose-form>
  1. Initialize Formoose in your JavaScript:
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    const formoose = new Formoose();

Optionally you can provide a form to Formoose or it will find the forms by data-formoose-form attribute

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    const formoose = new Formoose(document.getElementById("formId"));
  1. Add rules to input elements
<form data-formoose-form>
    <input type="text" name="name" data-formoose-required>
    <input type="email" name="email" data-formoose-required data-formoose-email>
    <input type="password" name="password" data-formoose-required data-formoose-min="8">
    <button type="submit">Sign Up</button>

optionally you can customize a validation message for each validation rule by adding the attribute data-formoose-{rule}-message where {rule} is a rule name

<input type="email" name="email" data-formoose-required data-formoose-required-message="The email is required">

Handling Events

Formoose emits custom events during the form submission lifecycle:

  • formoose:submitting — Before form submission.
  • formoose:submitted — After form submission.
  • formoose:success - After validation succeeds.
  • formoose:error - After validation fails.
document.addEventListener("formoose:submitted", (event) => {
    console.log("Form submitted:", event.detail);

Validating Group Elements (Radio, Checkbox)

Wrap <fieldset> element around radio and checkbox elements

    Man: <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Man">
    Woman: <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Woman">
    Other: <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Other">


Formoose does not impose any styles, you are free to style error elements as per your website color theme, Formoose adds the following classes for flexibility:

Element Class Description
Input formoose-invalid The class will add to the invalid input e.g: (the <input> element)
Div formoose-invalid-feedback The class will add to the error container, the parent div of the error message
P formoose-error-message The class will add to the element contains error message e.g: (the p element)

Extend Formoose

Formoose allows you to define custom validation rules to handle specific use cases that aren't covered by the built-in rules. Adding a custom rule is simple and follows these steps:

Define Your Rule

const formoose = new Formoose();

formoose.addRule("max", (value, input) => {
    return value.length <= parseInt(input.getAttribute("data-formoose-max"));
}, (input) => `The value must be less than or equal to ${input.getAttribute("data-formoose-max")} characters`);

Use the Rule in Your Form

<input type="text" name="username" data-formoose-max="16">

Validation Rules

Rule Attribute Description
Required data-formoose-required Ensure the field is not empty
Email data-formoose-email Validates an email address
Min Length data-formoose-min="3" Ensure the value is atleast 3 characters
Max Length data-formoose-max="10" Ensure the value is no more than 10 characters
Number data-formoose-number Ensure the value is number
Strong Password data-formoose-strongPaswword Ensures the value contains at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase, one number, and one special character
Same As data-formoose-same="password" Ensure the value is same as another input name password
Date data-formoose-date validates a date
Alpha data-formoose-alpha Ensure the value contains only letters e.g. a-z, A-Z
Alpha Numeric data-formoose-alphaNumeric Ensure the value contains only letters and numbers e.g. a-z, A-Z, 0-9
Alpha Dash data-formoose-alphaDash Ensure the value contains letters, numbers, underscores and dashes
Accepted data-formoose-accepted Ensure the value is "on", "yes" or "1"
Array data-formoose-array Ensure the value is array
Date Before data-formoose-dateBefore="1990-01-01" Ensure the date value is older than the date provided in the rule
Date After data-formoose-dateAfter="1990-01-01" Ensure the date value is newer than the date provided in the rule
Between data-formoose-between="18,65" Validates the value between the given comma separated numbers
Boolean data-formoose-boolean Ensure the value is "true", "1", "false", or "0"
Different data-formoose-different="email" Ensure the value is different than another input name email
URL data-formoose-url Ensure the value is a valid URL
In data-formoose-in="option1,option2,option3" Ensure the value exists in the specified comma separated options
Not In data-formoose-notIn="option1,option2,option3" Ensure the value does not exists in the specified comma separated options
Starts With data-formoose-startsWith="test" Ensure the value starts with a specified string
Ends With data-formoose-endsWith="test" Ensure the value ends with a specified string
Contains data-formoose-contains="test" Ensure the value contains a specified string
Not Contains data-formoose-notContains="test" Ensure the value does not contains a specified string
Phone data-formoose-phone Ensure the value is a valid phone
Time data-formoose-time Ensure the value is a valid time e.g. 12:00 am
Time 24 data-formoose-time24 Ensure the value is a valid 24-hour time e.g. 23:59
URL data-formoose-url Ensure the value is a valid URL e.g.
IPv4 data-formoose-ipv4 Ensure the value is a valid IPv4 e.g.


A simple, lightweight, and flexible form validation library







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