by Rich/Defekt -
a template for Amiga demoscene productions using amiga-assembly VSCode extension
This is my personal template that I use to get going quickly with a production and has a library of commonly used routines that end up being in almost every one.
git clone --recurse-submodules
into AmigaDemoTemplate
and run the BASH script
to create a new demo based on the template and optionally set up git
repository (with "main" as the default branch name).
On Windows use Git BASH, macOS and Linux can use the built in BASH.
The following routines are available for use in your demos, for some of them you will need to enable them with a define.
- System teardown/restore
- Copper Interrupt Handler
- Set Copperlist Bitplane Pointers
- Colour fading
- Random numbers
- Macros
- Copperlist Macros
; disable AmigaOS ready for hardware bashing! \m/
; trashes: d0/a1/a4/a6
After taking the system you can check ADT_SetupSuccess
word being non-zero to indicate an error occurred during ADT_TakeSystem
tst.w ADT_SetupSuccess
bne .error
; bring back AmigaOS
; trashes: d0/a0-a1/a5-a6
Will probably be a really bad idea to call ADT_RestoreSystem
without having called ADT_TakeSystem
previously or if it had failed.
; install a Level 3 interrupt handler
; a0 = new interrupt address
; trashes a1
On 68010+ will also be a really bad idea to call ADT_SetInterruptHandler
without having called ADT_TakeSystem
previously or if it had failed.
To use copper interrupt handler define ADT_UseInterruptHandler = 1
before the INCLUDE "xrefs.i"
when including that file. Optionally define ADT_PlayLSPTick = 1
if you want the LightSpeedPlayer tick routine to be called at the start of the interrupt. You may also define ADT_SHOW_RASTER = 1
to show the raster time taken by your routines.
; expects CUSTOM register base in a6
; a0 - list of setup/VBL routine addresses, -1 signifies end of list
; eg.
; dc.l setupIntro,introVBL
; dc.l setupMain,mainVBL
; dc.l -1
; trashes a1
This sets up the copper interrupt handler, a0
should be a pointer to a list of setup and VBL routine addresses that you want to call, the first setup in the list will be called by ADT_SetupInterruptHandler
and the first VBL routine will be called when triggering a copper interrupt (which you should ideally do at the end of the screen to avoid any tearing if not double buffering). The template code is set up such that left mouse button will exit immediately and right mouse button will advance to the next part in the list. Setup routines are the place where you should setup your copperlist or whatever is needed for your next routine, VBL routines are free to trash whichever registers you please.
This will advance to the next part, calling the setup routine immediately and installing the VBL routine to be called upon the next copper interrupt. All registers are preserved. If the last part has already been played then the template code is set up to exit at that point.
; a0 = address of image
; a1 = address of BPL1PTH in copper list
; d0 = size of plane
; d1 = number of planes
; ...copperlist...
dc.w BPL1PTH,0
dc.w BPL1PTL,0
dc.w BPL2PTH,0
dc.w BPL2PTL,0
; ...more copperlist...
; code:
lea myImage,a0
lea copperBplPtrs,a1
move.l #(320/8)*256,d0
moveq.l #2,d1
jsr ADT_SetBPLPtrs
There are two versions of colour fading routines. Define ADT_UseFade = 1
before the INCLUDE "xrefs.i"
when including that file.
To use the "fast" versions (saves some cycles, at the expense of memory) define ADT_UseFadeFast = 1
; a0 = colour table
; a1 = copperlist ptr
; d7 = number of colours
; d6 = fade amount 0-255 (fast version 0-15)
; trashes d0-d2 (fast version also trashes a2)
Use this is you just want to fade in/out from/to black.
; a0 = source colour table
; a1 = target colour table
; a2 = copperlist ptr
; d7 = number of colours
; d6 = fade amount 0-255 (fast version 0-15)
; trashes d0-d4 (fast version also trashes a3)
Use this when you want to fade between a source palette and a destination palette.
; d1 = source colour
; d2 = target colour
; d6 = fade amount 0-255 (fast version 0-15)
; returns faded colour in d0
; trashes d3-d4 (fast version also trashes a3)
Use this if you just want to fade a single colour.
To use the random routine define ADT_UseRandom = 1
before the INCLUDE "xrefs.i"
when including that file.
; expects CUSTOM register base in a6
; returns a word of random bit in d0, upper 16 bits unaffected
; trashes d1
; 158 cycles on 68k
; expects CUSTOM register base in a6
; returns a longword of random bits in d0
; trashes d1
; 192 cycles on 68k
Before calling these you should call once:
; expects CUSTOM register base in a6
; trashes d0
You can also use the following macros:
; wait for the vertical blank period to start
; trashes d0
ADT_WaitLine <line_number>
; wait for the specified scanline
; trashes d0
; wait for the blitter to finish
COPPER_HALT ; use at the end of your copperlist
COPPER_EOL_255 ; wait until the end of line 255,
; used to access lines beyond 255 on PAL systems
COPPER_WAIT_LINE <line> ; wait for the start of specified line
COPPER_INTERRUPT ; trigger copper interrupt
These can be used as follows:
dc.w COLOR00,$000 ; set background black
COPPER_WAIT_LINE 100 ; wait for line 100
dc.w COLOR00,$f00 ; set background red
COPPER_WAIT_LINE 200 ; wait for line 200
dc.w COLOR00,$0f0 ; set background green
COPPER_WAIT_LINE 55 ; waiting for line 255+55 = 300
dc.w COLOR00,$00f ; set background blue
COPPER_INTERRUPT ; trigger copper interrupt
A greet would be nice if you used this template/any routines. 😁
The system tear down/restore code is based on the C code provided in Amiga C/C++ Compile, Debug & Profile by Bartman^Abyss, but that extension is Windows only and for whatever nostalgic/masochistic reason I prefer writing 68k assembler by hand, and using macOS!
LightSpeedPlayer by Leonard/Oxygene is included as a git submodule because who wants to spend more than 2 raster lines playing music? 😂
Shrinkler by Blueberry/Loonies is included as a git submodule for when you need to decrunch stuff in your production.
I will gladly accept pull requests for any improvements that can be made and credit accordingly.