Welcome to the Event Management System web app! This repository contains a robust backend built with .NET Core and MSSQL, and a dynamic frontend developed using React. Below are the detailed instructions to set up and run the project on your local machine.
├── Event-Management-System-Backend/
└── Event-Management-System-Frontend/
Ensure you have the following installed on your system:
- .NET Core SDK version 8
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Node.js and npm
Navigate to the backend folder:
cd Event-Management-System-Backend
Restore packages:
dotnet restore
Update the
:- Set your MSSQL connection string:
"ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Your_MSSQL_Connection_String" }
- Set your MSSQL connection string:
Apply migrations and run the project:
dotnet ef database update dotnet run
Navigate to the frontend folder:
cd Event-Management-System-Frontend
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
- 📅 Event Creation: Create and manage events seamlessly.
- 🕑 Real-Time Updates: Update or change event related data.
- 💻 Event Management: Manage attendees, organizers, and dates update efficiently.
- 🔍 Normalized Database: Fast and Enhance Performance.
- 📈 Responsive and Reusable: Responsive CSS and reusable react components.
- Backend: .NET Core, Entity Framework Core, MSSQL
- Frontend: React, CSS, React-Icons
👇 Click below to watch the demo video.
For any queries, reach out to us at asirialwis23@gmail.com.
Made with ❤️ by [Asiri Alwis]