Installation | Syntax | Citation guidelines | Examples | Feedback | Change log
(21 Oct 2024)
The package can be installed via SSC or GitHub. The GitHub version, might be more recent due to bug fixes, feature updates etc, and may contain syntax improvements and changes in default values. See version numbers below. Eventually the GitHub version is published on SSC.
SSC (v1.4):
ssc install bumparea, replace
GitHub (v1.4):
net install bumparea, from("") replace
The following packages are required for this command:
ssc install palettes, replace
ssc install colrspace, replace
ssc install graphfunctions, replace
Even if you have these packages installed, please check for updates: ado update, update
If you want to make a clean figure, then it is advisable to load a clean scheme. These are several available and I personally use the following:
ssc install schemepack, replace
set scheme white_tableau
I also prefer narrow fonts in figures with long labels. You can change this as follows:
graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"
The syntax for the latest version is as follows:
bumparea y x [if] [in] [weight], by(varname)
[ top(num) dropother smooth(num) palette(str) labcond(str) offset(num) alpha(num)
lcolor(str) lwidth(str) percent format(fmt) recenter(mid|top|bot) colorby(name) colorvar(var) colother(str)
wrap(num) labsize(str) labcolor(str) labangle(str) labgap(str) labprop labscale(num) * ]
See the help file help bumparea
for details.
The most basic use is as follows:
bumparea y x, by(group)
where y
is a numerical variable we want to plot and x
is the time dimension. Both need to be numeric. The by()
is the category variable.
Software packages take countless hours of programming, testing, and bug fixing. If you use this package, then a citation would be highly appreciated. Suggested citations:
in BibTeX
author = {Naqvi, Asjad},
title = {Stata package ``bumparea''},
url = {},
version = {1.4},
date = {2024-10-21}
or simple text
Naqvi, A. (2024). Stata package "bumparea" version 1.4. Release date 21 October 2024.
or see SSC citation (updated once a new version is submitted)
Load the Stata dataset
use "", clear
drop if iso_code==""
keep if year >= 1990
Let's test the bumparea
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
percent labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
dropother percent labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) ///
top(12) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
smooth(1) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
smooth(8) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
recenter(top) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
recenter(bot) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
lc(black) lw(0.03) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
lc(black) lw(0.03) palette(reds, reverse) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
lc(black) lw(0.03) palette(viridis) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
lc(black) lw(0.03) palette(CET C6) alpha(100) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
lc(black) lw(0.03) palette(CET C6) alpha(50) dropother labs(2) xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) smooth(6) palette(CET L20) labs(2) ///
top(10) dropother recenter(mid) alpha(90) lw(0.15) xlabel(1990(1)2019, angle(45)) ///
title("Top 10 countries by annual GHG emissions", size(6)) ///
note("Source: OWID.") ///
xsize(2) ysize(1)
use "", clear
drop if iso_code==""
keep if inlist(year, 1990, 1993, 1997, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2014, 2017, 2019)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) smooth(8) palette(CET L08) labs(2) ///
top(15) dropother recenter(mid) alpha(80) lw(0.1) xlabel(1990(1)2019, angle(45)) ///
title("Top 10 countries by annual GHG emissions", size(6)) ///
note("Source: OWID. bumparea package. @AsjadNaqvi") ///
xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) ///
xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) colother(gs6) ///
xsize(2) ysize(1)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) colorby(name) ///
xsize(2) ysize(1
cap drop cats
gen cats = .
replace cats = 1 if inlist(country, "Indonesia", "Japan")
replace cats = 2 if inlist(country, "United States", "Canada")
replace cats = 3 if inlist(country, "Iran", "Saudi Arabia")
replace cats = 4 if inlist(country, "China")
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) colorvar(cats) ///
xsize(2) ysize(1) colo(white)
bumparea total_ghg year, by(country) top(10) dropother xsize(2) ysize(1) format(%8.1f) offset(10) labprop labc(red) laba(45) ///
xlabel(1990(1)2019, labsize(2) angle(45) )
bumparea total_ghg year [aw = gdp], by(country) top(10) dropother xsize(2) ysize(1) format(%10.0fc) offset(10) labprop ///
xlabel(1990(1)2018, labsize(2) angle(90) )
levelsof year if !missing(gdp)
bumparea total_ghg year [aw = gdp], by(country) wrap(20) dropother lc(black) labprop labc(white) ///
smooth(8) top(15) palette(CET L20, reverse) ///
lw(0.1) xlabel("`r(levels)'", angle(90) labsize(2)) offset(10) labsize(2.6) ///
title("{fontface Merriweather Bold:Top 30 countries by annual GHG emissions (GDP weighted)}", size(6)) ///
note("Source: Our World in Data. bumpline package.", size(1.6)) ///
xsize(3) ysize(1) scheme(neon)
Please open an issue to report errors, feature enhancements, and/or other requests.
v1.4 (21 Oct 2024)
- Weights are supported.
ported tographfunctions
.- All x-axis options removed. Use standard
syntax. - Added
for more flexiblity with ribbon labels. - Added
for proportional labels. Can be rescaled usinglabscale()
. - Several bug fixes.
v1.31 (11 Jun 2024)
- Added
to wrap labels. - Several code updates.
v1.3 (26 May 2024)
- The command now sums and fills missing categories.
v1.21 (15 Jan 2024)
- Minor fixes.
- Updates to defaults.
v1.2 (25 Jul 2023)
- Several new options added:
to alpha sort the colors,colorby(var)
to color using a customvar
to define the color of the "Other" category. - A bug with labels fixed (found by Marc Kaulisch)
- Better checks for
variables. saving()
option added.- Several small bug fixes and code optimizations.
v1.11 (06 Jun 2023)
- Minor bug fixes, checks, enhancements.
v1.1 (28 May 2023)
- Fixed
conditions that were not passing correctly. - Added checks for duplicates.
- Minor code cleanups, updates to defaults, and help file.
v1.0 (10 Apr 2023)
- Public release.