This project is a collection of Map reduce jobs process DBLP dataset to produce stats on various fields. Processing can happen over a single field or a set of fields, all defined by the user at runtime. All outputs are tab separated values (TSV) an can be used for visualization of output.
Extra care has been taken for seamless processing of data on AWS S3 and GCS. Alternatively, can be used for semi-automated local Hadoop setup or for setup on AWS Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Google Compute Engine (GCE).
- About the DBLP dataset
- Some Important Files
- Application Design
- Setup Instructions
- Usage Details
- Visualization and Demo
Extracting data from dblp F.A.Q:
Q. How can I download the whole dblp dataset?
Q. What do I find in dblp.xml?
Q. How are data annotations used in dblp.xml?
Q. How to parse dblp.xml?
The dblp.xml is a simple, plain ASCII XML file, using the named entities as given in the accompanying dblp.dtd file. A daily updated (but unversioned) XML dump can be found on the dblp web server:
dblp.xml.gz compressed (gzip) version of an XML file with all bibliographic records
dblp.dtd the Document Type Definition (DTD) required to validate the XML file
Furthermore, each month, a persistent snapshot release is archived:
More information on the XML structure of the dblp records and several design decisions can be found in this paper:
hw2/src/main/resources/bin perl script to convert DTD to XML Schema Definition (XSD) bash script to extract counts for bibliographic records
hw2/src/main/java/com/ashessin/cs441/hw2/dblp/utils extracts a gzip file writes the publication records SequenceFile on HDFS by parsing the XML reads the publication records SequenceFile from the HDFS to serialize and deserialize publication record fields
hw2/src/main/java/com/ashessin/cs441/hw2/dblp/mr/ counts the number of occurrences of a field value counts the number of occurrences of a field value set counts the number of occurrences of the primary (ie. fist) field value swaps key value pairs and then sorts (descending)
First, the input dblp dataset is parsed using StAX API to process bibliographic child record elements into
objects having key, publrecord, publtype fields present.
Other relevant object fields are empty at this point.
The bibliographic child record elements may be any of the below:
article, inproceedings, proceedings, book, incollection, phdthesis, mastersthesis, www, data
To fill the remaining object fields, after any of the above are encountered as a
we process subsequent events to look for its child elements (or grandchild of XML root, dblp).
The fields in use are:
authors, editors, year, journal, urls, ees, cites, crossref, schools
For simplicity, we only use String
or List<String>
datatype for these fields, with the exception of the field year,
which is an int
. The year is set to -1 if it's not present for the bibliographic records, rest all are set to empty
when missing.
This simplification was done based on the inspection of data through hw2/src/main/resources/bin/
Inspecting ../dblp-2019-10-01.xml for tags.
Found 7151497 publication elements.
Counting each child of the 'dblp' root element...
'article': 2115563
'inproceedings': 2473542
'proceedings': 42142
'book': 17792
'incollection': 59913
'phdthesis': 73841
'mastersthesis': 12
'www': 2368692
'person': 0
'data': 0
Counting each grandchild of the 'dblp' root element...
'author': 16613178
'editor': 104297
'title': 7151148
'booktitle': 2576947
'pages': 4240700
'year': 4782819
'address': 3
'journal': 2115340
'volume': 2137824
'number': 1608299
'month': 10943
'url': 4868873
'ee': 5617166
'cdrom': 12962
'cite': 172746
'publisher': 64563
'crossref': 2533467
'isbn': 65813
'series': 27663
'school': 76369
'chapter': 2
'publnr': 0
Counting identical sibling(s) that are grandchildren of the 'dblp' root element...
'</author>...<author>': 11006018
'</editor>...<editor>': 86064
'</title>...<title>': 0
'</booktitle>...<booktitle>': 0
'</pages>...<pages>': 16
'</year>...<year>': 0
'</address>...<address>': 0
'</journal>...<journal>': 0
'</volume>...<volume>': 0
'</number>...<number>': 0
'</month>...<month>': 0
'</url>...<url>': 121338
'</ee>...<ee>': 1882196
'</cdrom>...<cdrom>': 850
'</cite>...<cite>': 97280
'</publisher>...<publisher>': 2
'</crossref>...<crossref>': 2
'</isbn>...<isbn>': 11794
'</series>...<series>': 0
'</school>...<school>': 1388
'</chapter>...<chapter>': 0
'</publnr>...<publnr>': 0
Once a single bibliographic record (with its child elements) has been processed and made into an object, it is serialized to the HDFS as sequence files. Further, block compression is used with default codec to append each new object record. This sequence file acts as input for all subsequent Map Reduce jobs.
As a sample, if the included hw2/src/main/resources/dblp-tiny.xml
file is passed, the objects are written to HDFS and
their toString()
representation gives:
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - tr/meltdown/s18 key="tr/meltdown/s18", publrecord="article", publtype="informal", authors=[Paul Kocher, Daniel Genkin, Daniel Gruss, Werner Haas, Mike Hamburg, Moritz Lipp, Stefan Mangard, Thomas Prescher 0002, Michael Schwarz 0001, Yuval Yarom]", editors=[], year=2018, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - tr/meltdown/m18 key="tr/meltdown/m18", publrecord="article", publtype="informal", authors=[Moritz Lipp, Michael Schwarz 0001, Daniel Gruss, Thomas Prescher 0002, Werner Haas, Stefan Mangard, Paul Kocher, Daniel Genkin, Yuval Yarom, Mike Hamburg]", editors=[], year=2018, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - tr/acm/CS2013 key="tr/acm/CS2013", publrecord="book", publtype="", authors=[]", editors=[], year=2013, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Phipps92 key="phd/Phipps92", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Geoffrey Phipps]", editors=[], year=1992, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[Stanford University, Department of Computer Science]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Breuer2000 key="phd/Breuer2000", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Lothar Breuer]", editors=[], year=2000, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[Univ. Trier, FB 4, Informatik]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Hofmann1999 key="phd/Hofmann1999", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Jens Hofmann 0001]", editors=[], year=1999, journal="", urls=[], ees=[,], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[University of Trier, FB 4 Informatik, Germany]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Ordille93 key="phd/Ordille93", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Joann J. Ordille]", editors=[], year=1993, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Beferull-Lozano02 key="phd/Beferull-Lozano02", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Baltasar Beferull-Lozano]", editors=[], year=2002, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[University of Southern California]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Smolka89 key="phd/Smolka89", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Gert Smolka]", editors=[], year=1989, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Dobry87 key="phd/Dobry87", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Tep P. Dobry]", editors=[], year=1987, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[University of California at Berkeley]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Ghemawat95 key="phd/Ghemawat95", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Sanjay Ghemawat]", editors=[], year=1995, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, Cambridge, MA, USA]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/Rothkugel2002 key="phd/Rothkugel2002", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Steffen Rothkugel]", editors=[], year=2002, journal="", urls=[], ees=[,,], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[Univ. Trier, FB 4, Informatik]
INFO PublicationsSequenceFileReader - phd/sk/Frisch2009 key="phd/sk/Frisch2009", publrecord="phdthesis", publtype="", authors=[Guido Frisch]", editors=[], year=2009, journal="", urls=[], ees=[], cites=[], crossref="", schools=[Bratislava, Univ.]
All Map Reduce jobs extends a simple count program to compute numbers across mutiple fields values and field value sets.
`SingleFieldCount` computes counts over a single field value across serialized dblp records.
For example on the field 'year' (ie. Number of publications per year):
Text IntWritable
2018 78
2019 76
1999 23
For field 'authors' (ie. Number of publications per author):
Text IntWritable
Paul Kocher 2
Daniel Genkin 2
`JoinedFieldsCount` computes counts over values of a field set (up till 3) across serialized dblp records.
The order of fields doesn't really matter for our use cases if we later sort the result based on count.
Also, we can give any combination of `String`, `List<String>`, `int` (for year) type.
A Cartesian Product is caluclated over individual fields and then they are joined using '\t'.
This gives us multiple `Text` type key which conatains all the fields values.
eg. fieldset 'year,publrecord' (ie. histogram of publication record per year):
eg. fieldset 'authors,authors' (ie. most prolific author pairs):
eg. fieldset 'authors,authors,year' (ie. most prolific author pairs each year):
eg. fieldset 'authors,authors,authors' (ie. most prolific author triplets):
`PrimaryFieldCount` works on the output of `JoinedFieldsCount` to aggregate horixonatlly acosst fied value in a set.
This can be used to compute number of co-authors per author etc.
The workflow in that case would be:
(sequnce_file, 'authors,authors') -> JoinedFieldsCount -> (Text(author1\tauthor2), IntWritable(Count)) ->
PrimaryFieldCount -> number of co-authors per author
Intermediate results are stored in the HDFS as compressed sequence files and the final output can be extracted to the local filesystem through CopyHdfsFileToLocal class, which takes HDFS or the defualt file system path as input. (All project files have Javadoc comments and loggers, please feel free to see them in case of doubt.)
Something to note, absolute paths are almost always preferred. Make sure to use correct file system URI.
For example, if the file 'hw2/src/main/resources/dblp.xml' is on a ordinary filesystem, within the users home directory,
use: file://$HOME/hw2/src/main/resources/dblp.xml
Similarly, for file on HDFS use, hdfs://$HOSTNAME:PORT/some-path
For S3 bucket use, s3://bucket-name/some-path
Setup Hadoop using bootstrap script and start all services
git clone ""; cd BD_STTP_2016; chmod +x *.sh;
Clone this repository
git clone
Download and extract dataset
wget -O hw2/src/main/resources/dblp.xml.gz gunzip dblp.xml.gz
Run jar file on hadoop with the downloaded dataset
hadoop jar hw2/target/scala-2.12/hw2-assembly-0.1.jar PublicationsSequenceFileWriter \ hw2/src/main/resources/dblp.xml \ hw2/src/main/resources/publications.sequnce.deflate
Output part-r-* files will be saved to the same folder within subdirectories. For AWS EMR, please follow these steps: Both input and output S3 bucket locations should be passed to the JAR file and must be accessible.
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start <option> [absolute_input_path[,absolute_output_path]] [arg1[,arg2,arg3]]
[-w, PublicationsSequenceFileWriter |
-r, PublicationsSequenceFileReader |
-c, CopyHdfsFileToLocal |
-e, ExtractLocalGzipFile |
SingleFieldCount |
JoinedFieldsCount |
PrimaryFieldCount |
fully qualifed file and/or directory URI.
example paths:
# unzipped dblp.xml file
# unzipped dblp.xml file on AWS S3
# unzipped dblp.xml file on Google Storage
# compressed sequece file on hdfs
# compressed sequece file on AWS S3
# unzipped dblp.xml file on Google Storage
# output directory for part-r-* files
any combination of:
key publrecord publtype authors editors year journal urls ees cites crossref schools
For execution through custom config file, please see src/main/resources/reference.conf for fields.
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start --configFile \
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start \
-w file:///absolute-path-to-dblp.xml \
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start \
-r hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-dblp.sequnce.deflate
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start SingleFieldCount \
hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-dblp.sequnce.deflate \
hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-output-directory-1/ \
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start JoinedFieldCount \
hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-dblp.sequnce.deflate \
hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-output-directory-2/ \
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start JoinedFieldCount \
hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-dblp.sequnce.deflate \
hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-output-directory-3/ \
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start JoinedFieldCount \
hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-dblp.sequnce.deflate \
hdfs://localhost:9000/absolute-path-to-output-directory-4/ \
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start PrimaryFieldCount \
java com.ashessin.cs441.hw2.dblp.Start SwapSortKeyValuePairs \
The program in its default configuration produces a number of TSV files, which can used for visualization.
Some samples along with demo for Amaon EMR and Google Compute Engine deployment are available at: