gulp task for creating a image sprite and the corresponding stylesheets
Please use css-sprite instead of this gulp plugin.
requires node-canvas which depends on Cairo.
Please refer the installation guide.
Install with npm
npm install --save-dev gulp-sprite
var gulp = require('gulp');
var sprite = require('gulp-sprite');
gulp.task('sprites', function () {
.pipe(sprite('sprites.png', {
imagePath: 'dist/img',
cssPath: './src/scss/utils/',
preprocessor: 'scss'
description: The name of the sprite file.
default: ''
description: The http path to images on the web server (relative to css path or absolute).
default: ''
description: The path where stylesheet file should be created. If ommited no stylesheet file will be created.
default: ''
description: The prefix for the stylesheet file
default: 'css'
description: The output style for the stylesheets. One of: css, less, sass, scss or stylus.
default: vertical
description: The orientation in which the images are aligned in the sprite On of: vertical, horizontal
default: 5
description: The space between images within the sprite
MIT © Alexander Slansky