Python script to detect when when your server ip changes and automate updating namecheap A records.
this project satisfied an itch I had while running various domains on AWS and servers operating at home. While AWS provides services that can do this better, the ability to avoid a paid service and demonstrate a mix of system admin and coding skills seemed a good reason for a mini project.
requires python3 and packages as per requirements
uses python virtual Environment to isolate from other projects.
requires namecheap dns configuration to set A records to ip. 3a. see namecheap instructions how to set up an A (address) record for my domain
read the instructions on namecheap to understand the code and configuration required.
create csv file containing a row for each combination of subdomain domain prefix & domain.
NB: the password required is the 'Dynamic DNS Password' is same for each domain, row required for each subdomain. see the screenshot above to find the 'Dynamic DNS Password' within the namecheap 'Advanced DNS' configuration page.
- python3 -m venv namecheap_script_ip_update_env
- source namecheap_script_ip_update_env/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- cd /your/installed/diretory/
- source namecheap_script_ip_update_env/bin/activate
- obtain api key for, free tier allows up to 50k calls/month which allows 60s intervals between calls. adjust value of no_change_sleep to suit your subscription level.
- Run code
- use the troubleshooting/text options within the script (see comments in code).
- configure as a service to run on your *nix machine. edit this file > 'update_namecheap_ip.service' and
follow these excellent instructions.
NB : don't forget to enable the service to start during boot and test thoroughly.
adding a few notes for debugging the configuration as a service options since this gave me trouble.
Most user guides on setting up a service show how/when to use this commands.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload : when any service file is edited.
sudo systemctl enable update_namecheap_ip.service : to set a service to start on system startup (creates symlink first time)
sudo systemctl start update_namecheap_ip.service : start after boot
sudo systemctl status update_namecheap_ip.service : check status after starting service.
sudo systemctl restart update_namecheap_ip.service
Less commonly taught are these two useful systemctl commands
sudo systemctl is-active update_namecheap_ip.service : checks if start worked or servicce failed since start.
sudo systemctl is-enabled update_namecheap_ip.service : check if service is actually enabled.
similarly most tutorials show how to view the logs for a service.
sudo journalctl -u [service_name]
Less commonly taught in tutorials is how to view the end of the log to see the most recent log entries.
sudo journalctl -u update_namecheap_ip -e
also: check the code contains the full path to the directory your 'config_urls.csv' file is in and where you want the output log 'namecheap_updates.txt' written to.
raise an issue in the git issues tab with detailed description of issue.
add comments to existing issues.
create pull requests.
See comments in code.
add error trapping.
improve error logging.
automated alerts to domain owners / admin if/when namecheap cannot be updated.
add tracking/testing for domain pageloads & alerts.
audit this project against existing services.