Simulate discrete- and continuous-time dynamics on networks, including PDEs, coupled map lattices, generalized cellular automata, and more.
Explore the docs [coming soon]»
- Built directly on top of NetworkX; represent observables (currently) on vertices or edges
- Spatial differential operators (gradient, divergence, laplace, advection) can be used in evolution laws, with more coming soon
- Support for time-varying Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions
- Support for kinematic equations of motion via CVXPY
- Couple multiple discrete- or continuous-time observables across distinct graphs
- Automatic calculation of Lyapunov spectra using PyTorch and jax
As well as in-browser interactive rendering with Bokeh.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
(recommended) or python >= 3.7
This has not been tested in all environments (especially Windows), so please report bugs.
- In local environment
pip install git+git://
- As a project dependency
# Add to `requirements.txt`
-e git://
For more examples, please refer to the Documentation (coming soon)
To start, import the library and define a graph:
import gds
import networkx as nx
G = nx.Graph() # Add nodes and edges
accepts any networkx.Graph
Dynamical systems in gds
are scalar-valued functions defined over a particular graph domain, or fields. Typically we will use nodes or edges:
from gds import GraphDomain
# Suppose we want to define hydrodynamic equations
pressure = gds.node_gds(G)
velocity = gds.edge_gds(G)
assert (pressure.domain == GraphDomain.nodes)
assert (len(pressure.y) == len(G.nodes()))
assert (velocity.domain == GraphDomain.edges)
assert (len(velocity.y) == len(G.edges()))
These are simply |V|
- and |E|
-dimensional real-valued dynamical systems, constructed by some convenience functions node_gds
, edge_gds
However, in general we can define dynamical systems on k
-simplices of G
, which allows one to define dynamical systems on triangles, tetrahedra, and so on.
# Dynamics on k-simplices, or (k+1)-cliques, of G
k = 2
observable = gds.simplex_gds(k, G)
We have observables on G
, and now we must specify how they evolve. gds
supports four types of evolution laws, and we'll use the heat equation to demonstrate each one. Start with
temperature = gds.node_gds(G)
to define an observable, temperature
, as a vertex field.
Specify the right-hand side of a differential equation.
# Continuous-time heat equation
temperature.set_evolution(dydt=lambda t, y: temperature.laplacian())
Various spatial differential operators, e.g. .laplacian()
, are accessible as class methods of observables.
Specify the left-hand side of an algebraic equation equal to 0.
# Steady-state heat equation (aka Laplace equation)
temperature.set_evolution(lhs=lambda t, y: temperature.laplacian())
Specify a map from a previous state to the next state.
temperature.set_evolution(map_fun=lambda t, y: y + temperature.laplacian())
Specify a dataset to play back as an observable.
traj_t = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)
traj_y = np.zeros((len(G.nodes()), 100))
temperature.set_evolution(traj_t=traj_t, traj_y=traj_y)
This can be useful for "stitching" together data from previous runs with dependent variables, or for applying pre-defined control inputs.
Often, when expressing PDEs or ordinary differential equations, it's necessary or desired to impose boundary / initial conditions. gds
makes expressing IBVPs easy using two methods:
# Initial conditions
temperature.set_initial(t0=0., y0=lambda x: 1. if x == my_special_node else 0.)
# Boundary conditions -- both time-varying and time-invariant, determined by function signature
lambda x: 0 if x[0] == 0 else None,
lambda t, x: np.sin(t+x[1]/4)**2 if x[0] == 9 else None
# Boundary conditions -- Neumann conditions supported too
def neumann(t, x):
if x[1] == n-1 and x[0] not in (0, n-1):
return -0.1
return None
Boundary conditions can be expressed in three ways:
- As a dictionary mapping points in space to values
- As a callable function of space
- As a callable function of time & space
will detect the type automatically, and all three types can be combined using gds.combine_bcs()
. Time-invariant conditions will only be evaluated once.
Let's put it all together:
G = gds.square_lattice(10, 10)
temperature = gds.node_gds(G)
temperature.set_evolution(dydt=lambda t, y: temperature.laplacian())
lambda x: 0 if x[0] == 9 else None,
lambda t, x: np.sin(t+x[1]/4)**2 if x[0] == 0 else None
gds.render(temperature, title='Heat equation with time-varying boundary')
Here we have used gds.render()
, which solves & renders temperature
in real-time to a bokeh plot. There are many options for rendering. The result:
def navier_stokes(G: nx.Graph, viscosity=1e-3, density=1.0, inlets=[], outlets=[], **kwargs) -> (gds.node_gds, gds.edge_gds):
G: graph
pressure = gds.node_gds(G, **kwargs)
velocity = gds.edge_gds(G, **kwargs)
non_div_free = np.array([pressure.X[x] for x in set(inlets) | set(outlets)], dtype=np.intp)
min_step = 1e-3
def pressure_f(t, y):
dt = max(min_step, velocity.dt)
lhs = velocity.div(velocity.y/dt - velocity.advect()) + pressure.laplacian(velocity.div()) * viscosity/density
lhs[non_div_free] = 0.
lhs -= pressure.laplacian(y)/density
return lhs
def velocity_f(t, y):
return -velocity.advect() - pressure.grad()/density + velocity.laplacian() * viscosity/density
return pressure, velocity
Lid-driven cavity on a triangular lattice:
def SIR_model(G,
dS=0.1, dI=0.5, dR=0.0, # Diffusive terms
muS=0.1, muI=0.3, muR=0.1, # Death rates
Lambda=0.5, # Birth rate
beta=0.2, # Rate of contact
gamma=0.2, # Rate of recovery
Reaction-Diffusion SIR model
Based on Huang et al,
susceptible = gds.node_gds(G, **kwargs)
infected = gds.node_gds(G, **kwargs)
recovered = gds.node_gds(G, **kwargs)
susceptible.set_evolution(dydt=lambda t, y:
dS*susceptible.laplacian() - muS*susceptible.y - beta*susceptible.y*infected.y + Lambda
infected.set_evolution(dydt=lambda t, y:
dI*infected.laplacian() + beta*susceptible.y*infected.y - muI*infected.y - gamma*infected.y
recovered.set_evolution(dydt=lambda t, y:
dR*recovered.laplacian() + gamma*infected.y - muR*recovered.y
if patient_zero is None:
patient_zero = random.choice(list(G.nodes()))
susceptible.set_initial(y0=lambda x: initial_population)
infected.set_initial(y0=lambda x: 1 if x == patient_zero else 0.)
sys = gds.couple({
'Susceptible': susceptible,
'Infected': infected,
'Recovered': recovered
return sys
Zero-flux SIR model with R0=2:
[Note: this assumes diffusive spread only via geographical shortest paths.]
G = gds.square_lattice(10, 10)
temperature, velocity_x, velocity_y = gds.node_gds(G), gds.node_gds(G), gds.node_gds(G)
More examples are coming soon.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
- Detailed docs
- Lyapunov exponent calculation for continuous-time dynamics
- Probabilistic cellular automata
- Full support for k-simplex dynamical systems
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.