I'm currently an AI Engineer at RBC Capital Markets under the Alternative Data and AI Team.
Outside of the day job I endeavour to contribute as much as possible to any open-source ML community events (click me for an example), libraries, and projects. I also sometimes make youtube videos and short-form TikTok videos discussing anything ML related.
💻 My past roles include:
- Data Scientist @ RBC Capital Markets GIB
- Data Scientist @ RBC Amplify (finalist btw)
- URA Roles at the Vision and Image Processing Lab collecting data for NutritionVerse-Real and under Joel Blit researching applying ML methods to studying patents as indicators of innovation
- Freelance code annotator @ Cohere
📘 Check out some of my contributions and connect with me!:
📫 How to reach me:
- PathPeer
- Or my email is asusevski@gmail.com :)
I hope to hear from you, I am always looking to connect and learn with/from others!