Calcium imaging methods produce massive datasets that require immense data manipulation, exploration, and summarizing. fluoR provides highly-accessible functions to address these issues for both inexperienced and seasoned R users to save researchers time. This package is catered to live-recorded fluorescence data, but works with any type of waveform data. A few functions include:
converts a data frame or matrix to a fluoR-friendly formatsummarize_trials
calculates a summary statistic; collapsing across trials for each timestampinflect_points
finds inflection points by using derivativesfind_peaks
uses an algorithm to find peaks/valleys with n points increasing/decreasing on each sidez_score
calculates a standard or modified z-score without adding R object attributes
The Examples vignette explains these functions and more in greater
detail. This can be viewed using browseVignettes('fluoR')
There is also a fluoR manual in Gitbook format that I will be regularly updating over the next few months.
### Install from Github
devtools::install_github('atamalu/fluoR', build_vignettes = TRUE)
Since there is currently no ubiquitous way to analyze or format calcium imaging data, most of fluoR’s commands require the data frame to be in “fluoR format.” This is essentially a transposed time series data frame; where the times of recorded signals are in the first row or column, and the observed values of each trial are in the following rows or columns.
### Format data
df <- format_data(GCaMP)
### What does the median value of trials 1, 2, 3, and 4 look like?
head( summarize_trials(dataframe = df, trials = 1:4, summary.type = 'median') )
#> Time summ.trials
#> 1 -3.9902 82.7735
#> 2 -3.9803 82.7890
#> 3 -3.9705 82.8170
#> 4 -3.9607 82.8565
#> 5 -3.9508 82.8985
#> 6 -3.9410 82.9365
### Where are the inflection points (peaks/valleys) in trial 1?
head( inflect_points(x = df$Trial1) )
#> [1] 0 0 2 0 0 0
### Where are the peaks in trial 1 with at least 10 decreasing values on
head( find_peaks(xvals = df$Trial1, n.points = 10) )
#> [1] 8 27 44 78 100 122
### Transform raw input values into modified z-scores (using median & mad) for trial 1
head( z_score(xvals = df$Trial1, z.type = 'modified') )
#> [1] 0.5840183 0.4935366 0.4770854 0.5346646 0.6470813 0.7704654